General parameters > Chapter Manufacturing > Parameter RELSTRDAT (Level on WO start date change) 

This parameter controls changes to the required date of work order components if the start date of a work order is changed.

Yes - This is the default value for this parameter. Reload the list of components on the work order for the default information in the bill of materials (BOM) record that is valid on the new work order start date.

 Set to Yes, the component information on the work order will be reloaded from the BOM record that is valid on the start date of the work order. This also results in key changes to the component information such as the addition of new components or changes to key fields being removed. You must re-enter any manual changes to the work order made prior to the change to the start date if they still apply to the updated work order.

No - Do not reload the existing component information if the start date of a work order is changed.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter GPA (Manufacturing) and the Group WOM (Work Order management),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GRELSTRDAT is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Manufacturing > Batch processes > Operation date shift

 Manufacturing > Batch processes > Work order  > Date shift

 Manufacturing > Planning > Modify objectives

 Manufacturing > Planning > Work order


Target production delivery dates can change if your objectives for a work order have changed or you are aware of an issue that might delay production. The start date of a work order is determined by the defined scheduling mode:

  • "Backward" or upstream scheduling respects the defined End date. The system calculates the production start date from the end or required completion date (End datefield).
  • "Forward" or downstream scheduling respects the defined Start date. The system calculates the required completion date from the defined production start date (Start date field).

The calculations rely on the production lead time, reduction factor and economic quantity defined on the product-site record.
