General parameters > Chapter Localisations > Parameter BPSPROTYP (Supplier pro forma journal) 

This parameter is used within the framework of the deduction at source management in Italy.

When a deduction at source has to be carried out on a payment before invoice, it is necessary to create a supplier pro Forma invoice This invoice does not generate any open item and cannot be posted. It is only used to calculate the deductions to be performed from the corresponding payment.

Upon entry of the payment, a reference is made to a pro forma invoice by specifying the value of the BP parameter BPSPROTYP in the "Type" column.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Legislation.It belongs to Chapter LOC (Localisations) and the Group ITA (Italy),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • ITABOL (Bollato Italy)
  • ITAMTC (Italian due dates matching)
  • ITAPRE (Analytical apportionment)
  • ITAPRO (Temporary fiscal year)
  • ITARTZ (Italian withholding tax)
  • ITAVAT (Italian VAT declaration)
  • RTZPRW (Withholdings on payment mgmt.)

No global variable is associated with it.

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :

 KIT : Italian localization