General parameters > Chapter Localisations > Parameter BVRSTRIDT (From Swiss ISR/QR identifier) 

This parameter is one of several parameters used to define the structure of the ISR reference number. This parameter holds the start position (number) of the ISR identifier (issued by the bank) within the ISR reference number.

The corresponding start position parameter is BVRENDIDT - Swiss ISR identifier end (chapter LOC, group SWI).

If the ISR identifier shall not be part of the ISR number both start and end position must be set to zero.

The ISR reference number parameters are evaluated when:
  • creating sales invoices with ISR forms
  • importing ISR bank statement files (payments for ISR sales invoices)

SEEINFO All ISR reference number parameters must align to the specifications for ISR reference numbers given to you by your bank.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company.It belongs to Chapter LOC (Localisations) and the Group SWI (Switzerland),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Functions concerned

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :

 KSW : Swiss localization