General parameters > Chapter Inventory > Parameter GPLNFLT (Planner/buyer filter) 

This parameter controls access to reordering based on who manages a product. 

The notion of 'planner' and 'buyer' must be considered when a product needs reordering (a 'buyer' is a person who can raise firm purchase orders for a product). For any given product and/or site (product-site) this parameter can be used to filter by who manages the product (the Planner) and who is in charge of reordering the product (the Buyer).

'None' - Do not filter the planning workbenches – Enterprise planning, Grouping and the product Planning workbench – or the Work order and Purchase order management functions by Sage X3 user.

'Nonexclusive filter' - Filter the planning workbenches and the Work order and Purchase order management functions for those products where the Sage X3 user is defined as the Planner/Buyer for the product/product-site and the Planner/Buyer is blank.

'Exclusive filter' - Filter the planning workbenches and the Work order and Purchase order management functions for those products where the Sage X3 user is defined as the Planner/Buyer for the product/product-site.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter STO (Inventory) and the Group SCH (Planning),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GPLNFLT is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Manufacturing > Planning > Planning workbench

 Purchasing > Supply > Planning workbench

 Manufacturing > Planning > Enterprise planning

 Purchasing > Supply > Enterprise planning

 Manufacturing > Planning > Grouping

 Purchasing > Supply > Grouping workbench

 Manufacturing > Planning > Work order

 Manufacturing > Planning > Multi-level planning