General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter FMTMOI (Month - year format) 

Use this variable to define a date format restricted to a month and year by specifying:

  • The order of the month and year fields.
  • The number of characters used in each.

This date format is only used when a date must be written in a log file on the server during batch task execution.

When a client workstation is connected, the Windows regional parameters are used.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group FMT (Formats),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

A variable named GFMMOI contains the format in the form of a character string. The FMTMOI parameter is of local menu type because filtering is carried out on the possible choices for its value.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter FMTMOI  :


 FMTDAT (defined at level Folder) : Standard date format

 FMTJOU (defined at level Folder) : Month - day format

Functions concerned

This concerns the generation of log files in the software. These files are in the TRA subdirectory of the folder on the application server.