This parameter, of local menu type (yes/no) is used to extend the automatic assignment of sales representatives defined by the market sector management to the management of ship-to customers. If this parameter is set to Yes, the Sales representatives field(s) of the ship-to customers will also be updated either based on the automatic assignments calculated by the system, or on the manual modifications of sales representatives carried out in the sector assignment window.
This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter TC (Common Data) and the Group MST (Market sector management),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
The global variable GMSTDLV is associated with it.
This parameter is defined at folder level.
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Common data > Customer relation > CRM activity > Market sectors
In addition to the management and allocation functions of market sectors, BP management is directly impacted by this parameter.