Use this parameter to assign the customer category you want to use for sharing customer data with Salesforce using the Sage X3 Salesfor connector.
Creating a customer category for integrating data
You need to create a new customer category (GESBCG) for Sage X3 customers you want to share with Salesforce or use an existing customer category such as the Salesforce default CRM category, SFCRM.
For the customer category, you are going to use for the integration, certain fields in the Customer category (GESBCG) function are required based on company policies or country governance. Fields include, but are not limited to Accounting code, Tax rule, Payment terms, Country, Language, and Currency.
This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter TC (Common Data) and the Group SFC (Salesforce CRM integration),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
Its values are defined by the function Customer categories.
No global variable is associated with it.