General parameters > Chapter Acc Payable/Acc Receivable > Parameter PAYDELTRC (Tracking deleted payments) 

Use this parameter to determine whether information deleted payments are saved in a dedicated table. This information includes the deletion date and the user.
The default value for most legislations is No and information related to the payment is not saved.
You can set this parameter to Yes for all legislations for for a single legislation. When you have selected to save the information, a log file is generated when you delete a payment in the Payment/Receipt entry function (GESPAY). The log file includes the payment reference number, the accounting date, the business partner, site, and other details.

Saving information for deleted payments is required for Portuguese legislation and the default value is Yes. For Portuguese legislation the data is stored in the PAYMENTPORH and PAYMENTPORD tables.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Legislation.It belongs to Chapter TRS (Acc Payable/Acc Receivable) and the Group PAY (Payment entry init and control),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.
