General parameters > Chapter Sales > Parameter TRSLIV (Auto delivery transaction) 

Use this parameter to define which delivery transaction should be used during the automatic delivery of delivery orders or requests. By linking a delivery transaction, it is possible to inherit the movement group, the movement code and the stock automatic journal that will be populated on the stock movements (stock journal) at the time of validation and therefore at the time of issue of the products.

  • The stock movement group (miscellaneous table no. 9) is used to classify the stock movements for statistical purposes.
  • The stock movement code (miscellaneous table no. 14) can also be used to classify stock movements, but it can also define the different issue rules by identical movement type (see Product Category, Management rules section). For example, for a given delivery type movement, you can authorize the issue of stock with status A only. On the other hand, for another delivery type movement, you can authorize the issue of stock with both status A and status Q.
  • The automatic journal code is used to specify the automatic journal that will be used to post the stock movement.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group TRS (Auto process transactions),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • TRSCSORD (Cust search order transaction)
  • TRSCSQUO (Cust search quote transaction)
  • TRSCSRET (Cust search return transaction)
  • TRSFAC (Auto invoice transaction)
  • TRSLND (Auto loan delivery transaction)

Its values are defined by the function Deliveries.

The global variable GTRSLIV is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Sales > Deliveries > Order delivery generation


If no movement has been specified, the first active delivery movement (by alphabetical order) will be used.