Reports > Module Common Data > Report LISOPEBAC (List of mandates) 

This report represents an aid and an assistance to the entry of information taken at the location thanks to the Symbol PDT3100, portable terminal during a stock operation.

It is used to print, for the specified operation, the list of values authorized in entry for one or all the sections of the Symbol PDT3100portable terminal dictionary, controlled by a miscellaneous table (displaying this list on the Symbol PDT3100portable is not operational).

In order to facilitate the information collecting while avoiding to make an error during a manual entry, each value is also displayed in the bar code format allowing its reading by optical scanning.


Access to the report

This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group A/R and A/P.

It is also called by default from the following functions :

 Common data > BP tables > Direct debit mandates

List of criteria


In order for the report to edit correctly the bar codes graphic representation, the 39251.TTF font has to be installed in the font list (generally C:\WINNT\Fonts) of the customer's work center.

Description of the report

Sort criteria:

When the report concerns several fields, a front page is displayed at each shortage on field, recalling the operation reference, the name of the field and the values sort criteria of this field.

They are displayed in entry order in the Symbol PDT3100 dictionary linked with the specified operation.
The values of each field are sorted by title.

- for theLocationfield, the values are sorted by reference,
- for the Groupfield (insofar as it is controlled by the 411 miscellaneous table), an additional criterion is applied: are displayed first, sorted by title, the groups defined as "registerable", then, the "non registerable" groups, also sorted by title.

Restored information

For each field, a maximum of 10 values per page is displayed. For each asset are displayed:
- its reference
- Its title
- its bar code, in graphic and alphanumerical format.