This function returns the maximum index used for the first dimension of an array.
Local Integer BPA_INDEX # Index in the BPA array containing the default address of the customerBPA_INDEX = find([V]CST_AYES, MY_CUSTOMER.BPA(1..maxtab(MY_CUSTOMER.BPA)).BPAADDFLG)>0# The BPA().BPAADDFLG is yes for the default address
Other examples include analyzing last element in used in an array.Local Integer ARRAY_MAX, ILocal Char ARRAY(10)(1..)For I=1 to 5ARRAY(maxtab(ARRAY)+1)="Line"Next ARRAY_MAX=maxtab(ARRAY)# ARRAY_MAX = 5 in this caseARRAY(500) = "Line"ARRAY_MAX = maxtab(ARRAY) # ARRAY_MAX = 500
The difference between maxtab and dim is that maxtab returns the index of the last used element in the array while dim returns the total dimension of the array which for this example is 32767.
In the case of a multi-dimensioned ARRAY, maxtab will return the maximum used value of the first dimension.Local Integer ARRAY2_MAXLocal Char ARRAY2(10)(1.., 3)ARRAY2(3,0) = "Line 3-0"ARRAY2(12,1)= "Line 12-1"ARRAY2(7,2) = "Line 7-2"ARRAY2_MAX = maxtab(ARRAY2)# ARRAY2_MAX = 12