Disabling or Making a Property Editable Following an Update to a Different Property
This document provides information on how to use business logic to disable a property (field), or to make it editable when the value of a different property is updated.
The process described below demonstrates how to add a script to a representation class to set the value of one property (MYPROP2) to "disabled" or to "editable", as appropriate, when the value in a different property (MYPROP1) is set.
labels are called in the event. You can also manually enter the running order code for your script.$PROPERTIESCase CURPROWhen "MYCLASS.MYPROP1": Gosub MYPROP1EndcaseReturn# Actions for "MYPROP1"$MYPROP1Case ACTIONWhen "PROPAGATE" : Gosub PROP1_PROPAGATEEndcaseReturn# Set MYPROP2 to Disabled or editable, depending on value of MYPROP1$PROP1_PROPAGATEIf THIS.MYPROP1 = CST_AYESASTATUS = fmet THIS.ASETATTRIBUTE("MYPROP2","$isDisabled","true")ElseASTATUS = fmet THIS.ASETATTRIBUTE("MYPROP2","$isDisabled","false")EndifReturn