It should be noted that when a publication name has been given to an element (object or sub-program), this name is systematically re-proposed during future generations. It is not possible to publish twice the same object-transaction pair with two different names, nor to publish an object-transaction pair with or without the hidden fields.
When directly accessing this function from a tunnel from the sub-program management, the fields are all pre-loaded, the only necessary action is to press the button , by beforehand checking the XML display box, should the generated XML structure need to be viewed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Define the folder code, as it is defined in the folders table, in which the work will be carried out. |
| Type of function to be published (object or non object). |
Block number 2
| Object to be published. |
| Choice of the transaction, for an object having the transactions. |
|   |
| Flag that is used to allow or not the publication of transmissible hidden fields. |
Block number 3
| For an non object function, the process and sub-program are published that are associated with it. |
|   |
Block number 4
| Identifier for the result of the publication |
| Used to view the generated XML structure. |
| Information generated by the publication. |
|   |
|   |
This button is used to publish the object or sub-program described in the screen. |
This button is used to unpublish the object or sub-program described in the screen. |
This button is used to open a selection window containing the list of the Web services already created for this folder. |
This button is used to view the generated XML structure. |
This button is used to republish all the Web services available for this folder. |