Development > Interactive portal > Gadget groups 

This function is used to define:

  • the link between the thumbnails that will be presented in the portal and the function responsible for displaying it. This link is set up by means of a technical module.
  • the setups able to characterize the thumbnails using this group, by making it possible to define default values that will be submitted upon creation of a thumbnail

The available groups are as follows:

  • Favorites (FAV): this group is solely used to submit the list of "favorite" functions chosen by the user. The only associated setup is the thumbnail height initialized by default to the value 450.
  • Video flow player (FLV): this group is used to display videos defined in the flv format. The setups associated with this thumbnail are:
      • The height (initialized by default to 300)
      • The data source: specifies the location of the flv file to be read (in the form of an http link)
      • The waiting message: that will be displayed on the thumbnail when the video player is not activated.
  • Flash component reader (FSH): this group is used to display any type of flash component available in the application in the form of views. The associated setups:
      • The height (initialized by default to 300)
      • Access to data: provides the name of the program designed to deliver the XML data flow that will be interpreted by the flash component (it is by default the SUBAPSMON:CLOBEXP value that is entered, corresponding to the CLOBEXP program of the SUBAPSMON program)
      • The portal view: the code of the portal view to be displayed (the portal view must be set up with a flash-type visual component - Option B of the APV object)
  • Menu (MENU): used to define a menu to which thumbnails will be attached. This menu can be folded or unfolded by the user and itself contain sub-menus.
      • Unfolded menu: the menu appears in its unfolded or folded form depending on the value (initialized by default to true=unfolded)
  • Browser (NAVIG): the exclusive purpose of this group is to present a list of functions defined in the menu profile of the connected user. The only associated setup is the thumbnail height initialized by default to the value 450.
  • Process (PROC): this group is used to present the processes designed by means of the process editor. The display module (player) presents these processes according to an interactive mode used to trigger actions and open software functions. The setups to be defined are the following:
      • Height: defines the height of the thumbnail (300 by default, until 450, without having to use vertical scrolling).
      • Access to the data: Name of the access program providing the process data to the player (by default SUBAPR:CLOBEXP)
      • Process code: The process must be be contained in the APROCESSUS table.
      • Process menu: it is possible to associate to each process thumbnail a menu that will appear in the upper left-hand part of the screen in the form of a tree view and that will allow navigation between the processes of a similar "trade". If this setup is not entered, no inter-process navigation is proposed in the thumbnail. This process menu code must refer to an element of the APROMEN table.
  • Text display (READ): This group is used to display any type of text flow, html or xml, in a thumbnail. The setups to be entered are the following:
      • Height: defines the thumbnail height (by default 300)
      • Access to the data: defines the access program to the data that will specify the flow to be displayed. This program is free but must necessarily be defined with two setups.
          • A Char-type setup field provided as value that will render the content of "setups".
          • A clob (text file) given as a setup whose return will contain the flow to be displayed in the thumbnail
      • Setups: defines an alphanumerical chain that will enable setups to be conveyed to the program to be run.
  • RSS flow player (RSS): This family is used to display in a thumbnail RSS flows published in a RSS 2.0 format. The setups to be entered are the following:
      • Data source: URL of the RSS flow to be displayed (for instance, here is the address of the RSS flow of "The Monde" newspaper,2-3208,1-0,0.xm)
      • Detailed display: displays the text associated with the information related to the RSS flow (by default true=detailed display).
      • Number of elements: to be displayed in the RSS flow of the thumbnail (by default 3)
  • Separator (SEP): This group is only used to create a separation line when displaying the thumbnails to be selected. It has the "separator" type and features a unique setup specifying the character to be used as a separator (by default -)
  • Table display (TAB):
      • Number of lines: Number of lines to be displayed (by default 20
      • Data source: Program to be invoked to obtain the data flow (by default SUBAPSMON:CLOBEXP)
      • Setups: Code of the portal view to be displayed (the portal view must be set up with a table-type visual component - Option C of the APV object)
  • Web page (WEB): This group is used to display Web pages
      • Height: defines the thumbnail height (by default 300)
      • Scrolling: Authorizes or not scrolling on the thumbnail (by default true= authorized scrolling)
      • Data source: URL to be displayed
  • Notes (WNOTE): This group is used to have block-type or notepad-type thumbnails.
      • Text: enter here the prompt text that will appear in the thumbnail. It will be replaced by the text that will be entered by the user once they will have used the thumbnail.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Group code (field CODFA)


  • field ZINTITF


  • Gadget type (field TYPVIG)


  • Technical module (field MODTYP)




Tab Definition


The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Parameter definitions

  • Name (field PROPN)


  • Description (field ZPROPI)


  • Type (field PROPT)


  • Changeable (field PROPMOD)


  • Default value (field PROPDEF)



  • field ICONE



  • field VISUICO



  • field DESCR




Error messages

The only error messages are generic ones.

Tables used

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