Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
First of all, it is necessary to indicate the path to the TDS file containing the data to import.
The year of declaration of this file must also be specified. This year will serve as the reference year for all all the dates to enter during the import.
It is then possible to choose which type of data to import:
- Sender data: Import of the information on the Sender site of the TRS declaration.
- Company data: Import of the Companies present in the TDS file.
- Site data: Import of the Sites present in the TDS file.
- WA Rate data: Import of WR Rates present in the TDS file.
- Employee data: Import of the Employees present in the TDS file.
During the import, the uniqueness of the Companies and Sites to import is assessed based on the site tax ID number, that of the WA Rate data is assessed based on the risk code, and that of the employees is assessed based on Employee ID, or, if it is not specified, the social security number.
Import rules
- All the structures pertaining to the DADS-U employee data are imported. The structures strictly reserved for the DNA are excluded ("Declaration" column).
- The system checks, in Sage HR Management, the existence of the company declared in the file to import using the company ID tax number. If the number does not exist, the import is not possible.
- The system checks, in Sage HR Management, the existence of the sites of assignment of the employees to import using the site tax ID number, which is composed of the company ID tax number and the NIC (internal classification number). If the site tax ID number does not exist, the import is not possible.
- The system checks, in Sage HR Management, the existence of the employees to import using the social security number.
- If the number already exists, the corresponding ID is used in the imported data.
- Otherwise, a new ID, based on the ENT counter, is assigned.
- The system checks, in Sage HR Management, the existence of valid contracts in the activity periods to import. A valid contract is a contract active in the activity period to import for the ID and linked site.
- If a valid contract exists, its sequence number is used in the imported data.
- Otherwise, a new sequence number, based on the CTR counter, is used.
If multiple valid contracts exist, the last sequence number created is used.
- If an activity period to import already exists in the imported DADS-U data file, it is not overwritten. A message in the log indicates that the period could not be imported because it already existed.
Entry screen
The following fields are present on this tab :
- Destination type (field TYPEXP)
  | |
Start during the year
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  | |
  | - Reset to zero (field FLGRAZ)
Import of data
  | - Update of companies authorized (field FLGCPY)
  | |
  | - Update of sites authorized (field FLGFCY)
  | |
  | - Update of WA rates authorized (field FLGWAC)
  | - Employee data (field EMP)
  | - Update of employees authorized (field FLGEMP)
  | - Recovery of staff no. on creation (field FLGNUM)
Import of initialization variables
- DADS-U totals (field VRA)
  | |
Error messages
The only error messages are the generic ones.