Field help (SUBSCENUM) 

It is possible to call a sub-scenario for each component line. For this purpose, it is necessary to specify on the component line the sub-scenario code, the mandatory condition being the activation of the advanced configurator functions (CFGADV setup), as well as the multi-level configurator (CFGSSC setup).

The sub-scenarios depend on the main scenario and must use the following:

This information is forced by the configurator on execution. It is therefore advisable to ensure the coherence of the setup.

During the execution of a sub-scenario and in the parent product tab, the fields defined with "No setup" are ignored and those fields with re-activation are processed.

This usage is rare but can be useful in the cost calculation method "scenario specific" (base, last price or formula) to assign for example, a price to a parent product.

For example: Product-Sales / BASPRI (base price)  with the formula= S_CSTTOT * 1.1

Reminder: S_CSTTOT is a global cost, the unitary cost being equal to S_CSTTOT/S_ITMQTY. In general, S_ITMQTY equals 1 and S_CSTTOT is equal to the unitary cost.

On the other hand, it is not possible to carry out such a calculation in a cost calculation method "Management control" because the calculation is triggered at the end of the validation. In this method, only the reactivation of the main parent product is possible (master scenario) and the equivalent calculation will be:

Formula: [F:ITC]VLTTOT*1.1 (VLTOT being the global cost of the product).

View the detail in the "scenario line entry" section.