Setup > Usage > Imports / exports > Import/export parameters 

This function is used to enter a certain number of parameters used by the import/export programme.

Screen management

All the parameters are entered in a tab containing two sections : an export section, and an import section.

Entry screen


Export parameters

The most important is the entry of the file paths for the directories located on the server:

* the first corresponds to a default directory in which are created the files to be exported if the file path given is not a clear.

* the second corresponds to a temporary directory used (if assigned) during the export phase: the file to be exported is created in this directory, then it is written. Once the file is completely written, it is transferred to the directory where the file has been declared (the previous directory if the file path given was related).

A sequence number is also given, this is the sequence number counter value used to date the database fields (EXPNUM field).

Import parameters

Defined here are the file paths for the directories located on the server:

* the first corresponds to a default directory in which the files to be exported will be searched for, if the file path given is not a clear.

* the second corresponds to a temporary directory used (if assigned) during the import phase: the file to be imported is transferred in this directory, then it is imported.

* the third directory corresponds to a directory where the imported file is transferred after the end of the import (this transfer is only carried out if this directory has been defined here).

* the fourth directory, if it is defined, is the directory where are written, in the form of a file with the extension .err, and with the same name as the import file, the lines that could not be imported following errors.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Export parameters

  • Default directory (field REPEXPDEF)

If the name of the data file is not defined in the template, this directory is proposed by default.

  • Temporary directory (field REPEXPTMP)

To avoid conflicts during the data file export, a temporary directory is used. At the end of the export the data file is transferred to the final directory as defined in the export screen.

  • Sequence number (field EXPORT)

The modification of the export counter can cause the operating anomalies in the export module.

Import parameters

  • Default directory (field REPIMPDEF)

If the data file name is not defined in the template, this directory is provided by default.

  • Temporary directory (field REPIMPTMP)

To avoid conflicts during the data file import, the latter is transferred at the start of the import into this directory. At the end of the import, the data file is transferred intothe original directory or the one defined in the parameterisation (final directory).

  • Final directory (field REPIMPFIN)

The imported file is moved to the final directory, once the import is correctly carried out.

  • Error directory (field REPIMPERR)

The imported file records that have not passed the controls defined in the action 'CTL_IMPORT' are grouped together in a file .err located in this directory.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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