Development > Utilities > Verifications > Database properties > Oracle properties 

This function is used to view the principal properties of the database when the database used is Oracle™.

The data presented here are not modifiable.
Their modification must be carried out using the appropriate administration tools for the database used.


This function is used, by the requests in the tables and the system views, to give technical information on the database. The interpretation of the results given by this function is up to the database administrator and can depend on the version of the database used.

Screen management

This function is used to view the properties of the database.
These elements are presented in three tabs : the first gives the general characteristics, the second gives the list of the parameters and options as set on the startup of the database, the third gives the information on the memory used by the database.



Used to identify the characteristics of the database used.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Database (field BDDNAM)

Nom de la base de données

  • Version (field VER)

Numéro de version de la base de données

  • field VERDES

Description de la version de la base de données



Tab General


The first tab presents the general properties of the database.

This screen is made up of two sections :

Information on the database

The first section contains the principal characteristics of the database.

NLS parameters

This block is used to view the information on the current character set for the database, the instance and the current session.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Machine (field SRVMAC)

Name of the server on which the database is started.

  • Instance (field SRVINS)

Name of the instance used to identify in a unique manner for a specific instance when several instances share the name of common services

  • Date created (field CREDAT)

Date and time of the database creation

  • field CREHOU


  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Date and time of the database start-up

  • field STRHOU


  • ARCHIVELOG mode (field LOGMOD)

Indicates if the ARCHIVELOG mode is activated or de-activated.

    In mode, NOARCHIVELOG, the redo log online files are re-written each time a redo log online file is completed and where a log switch is launched. LGWR does not re-write a group of redo log files whilst the checkpoint for this group is not completed.
    If the database is configured in the mode ARCHIVELOG mode, the the completed redo groups must be archived. As all modifications carried out on the database are recorded in the redo log online files, the DBA can use the backup present on the hard disk and the archived redo log files to restore the database without losing any committed data.

    It is possible to archive the redo log files :
    - Manually.
    - Automatically : Recommended method.

    The initialisation parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_START, when it is TRUE indicates that the archiving is carried out automatically. When set to FALSE, indicates that the DBA is carried out manually. In automatic mode, the archiving is carried out thanks to the ARCn process and manually with SQL requests.


  • Number of users (field NBRUSR)

Number of users defined in the database.

  • Number of active connections (field NBRPRO)

Number of active connections on the database.

Table NLS parameters

  • Parameter (field PAR)

Display the parameters on the current character sets and their values for the database, the instance and the session.

The parameters present depend on the Oracle version. These parameters cannot be modified from this option.

  • Basis (field BDDVAL)


  • Instance (field INSVAL)


  • Session (field SESVAL)




Tab Parameter Definitions


Displayed in the second tab is the list of initialisation parameters and their values. Any default values or specified values are also displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Parameter (field PAR)

Display the initialization parameters for the database and indicate if it is the default value.

The parameters present depend on the Oracle version. These parameters cannot be modified from this option.

  • Value (field PARVAL)


  • Default value (field DEFVAL)


  • Description (field DES)




Tab Memory


Information on the memory utilisation of the database are presented in the third tab.

This screen gives the information on the two memory fields in an Oracle database.

SGA memory (System Global Area)

This is the memory field that contains the data structures accessible by all the processes. It manages the sharing of data by the different users.

This memory field is composed of several elements :

  • Shared pool : this parameter specifies the size of the shared pool. The shared pool notably contains the shared cursors, the stored procedures, the control structures and the parallel execution message buffers. Increased values improve the performances in multi-users systems. Lower values use less memory. This value is assigned to the initialization file parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE. Note : Shared pool is a dynamic parameter.
  • Buffer cache : specifies the number of buffers contained in the database buffer cache. The size of each buffer located in the cache corresponds to that of an Oracle data block (this is specified by the intialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE) ; as a consequence, each database buffer located in the cache can contain a single block of data read from a data file. The size of the cache is limited, therefore all the data on the disk cannot be held in the cache. This value is assigned to the initialization file DB_CACHE_SIZE(10g) or DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS.
  • Memory field LARGE POOL : used to specify the portion of the memory allocated to the memory field LARGE POOL. This portion of memory is used by the shared server as the session memory, by the parallel execution for the message buffers and by the backup of the E/S buffers on disk. This value is assigned to the initialization file parameter LARGE_POOL_SIZE.
  • Java pool: specifies the size of the Java pool. This value is assigned to the initialization file parameter JAVA_POOL_SIZE.

A graph presents the allocation of memory for each SGA component used.

PGA memory (Program Global Area)

This is the memory field that contains all the data that does not require sharing. It manages the functioning of the different processes.

Below is a diagram displaying the usage of each of these memory fields :





The following fields are present on this tab :

SGA memory

  • field TXTAUT

Automatic management of the shared memory (10g)

This value is assigned to the initialization file parameter SGA_TARGET.

If SGA_TARGET is indicated, then the following memory fields are automatically sized :

  • Buffer cache (DB_CACHE_SIZE)

  • Shared pool (SHARED_POOL_SIZE)

  • Large pool (LARGE_POOL_SIZE)

  • Java pool (JAVA_POOL_SIZE)

  • Streams pool (STREAMS_POOL_SIZE)

  • field FILL01


  • field FLGAUT


  • field TXTTOT

Total size of the SGA memory.

The fixed size of the SGA corresponds to the memory allocated for the SGA field that contains the general information on the status of the database and on the instance.

Total size of SGA = shared pool + buffer cache + memory field LARGE POOL + java pool+ log buffer

  • field FILL02


  • field VALTOT


  • field UNITOT


  • field TXTMAX

Maximum size expected by the SGA memory from the start-up of the database.

  • field FILL03


  • field VALMAX


  • field UNIMAX


Table number 2

  • Title (field INFPAR)

Graph displaying each SGA component and the memory size that it uses..

  • SGA memory (field INFVAL)


Table number 1

  • field PARAM

Grid displaying each SGA component and the memory size that it uses..

  • field VALEUR


  • field UNITE


PGA memory

  • field TXTPGACUM

Total for the PGA targets : target number for all the PGA memories.

  • field FILL04


  • field VALPGACUM


  • field UNIPGACUM


  • field TXTPGA

Quantity of PGA memory actually allocated : PGA memory actually in use.

  • field FILL05


  • field VALPGA


  • field UNIPGA


  • field TXTPGAMAX

Maximum quantity of the allocated PGA memory (from the start-up) : Maximum allocated PGA memory.

  • field FILL06


  • field VALPGAMAX


  • field UNIPGAMAX


  • field TXTPGARAT

Success percentage in cache memory : frequency on which the data is found in the memory cache, avoiding disk access.

  • field FILL07


  • field PGARAT




Specific Buttons

This button, also accessible using the short cut, used to refresh the display of the tabs.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation