Setup > Payroll plan > Update payroll plan > Attachments and images 

The 140 version of ADONIX X3 allows the storage of documents and images within the database. But the upgrade process from v130 to v140 does not manage this code transfer, which can be long and can require a sizing estimate to be carried out in advance for the tables dedicated to the storage of theClobs and Blobs. It is this function therefore that is used to transfer and convert the coding for these elements in the database.

It should be noted that this process only picks up all the generic data linked to the supervisor; the copying of the texts associated with the functional documents (orders, invoices, customer...) is made using another function.


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Screen management

The function uses a single window in which are defined the elements to be transferred in the database.

Entry screen


The name of the folder to be processed is located in the header, as well as a Detailed log flag whose activation provokes the creation of a line by processed document in the log file (if not, only the problems are highlighted).

Then there is the list of recoverable data :

The photos stored in the PIC directory (user photos).

The comments associated with the records in object management (File/Comments).

The attachments of the type TXT or RTF

The texts associated with the sub-programme dictionary

The photos used by the Configurator

For the text type data, there is the choice of recovering it in the form or plain text or as rich text (RTF). The plain text is used in the manipulations using character strings where rich text cannot be used. The rich texts are used to manage fonts and styles.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


Block number 2

  • Detailed log file (field TRACE)


  • Start date (field DATDEB)


  • End date (field DATFIN)



  • Title (field OBJ)


  • Option (field OPT)


  • Recover (field REC)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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