Usage > Statistics > Forecasts 

This function is used to enter provisional values for the statistical totals created by a parameterization function, which defines, for each statistical code :

  • a set of analysis criteria (from 1 to 8), to which the company (and the site, if needed) can be added
  • 1 to 10 cumulated values that will be stored in the statistics totals table, with a frequency to be set Each value can/cannot be associated with the provisional values (or "Statistical budgets").

This entry is carried out :

  • from the general level (the different values for the first criterion for which total records exist is displayed).
  • for certain more detailed values for given criteria (it is possible to descend to the level of detail required).

When the statistics is defined at the global level, the entry of provisions cannot be carried out at this level. Similarly, when the statistic is defined at the company level, the provision must be entered company by company. However, if the statistics is defined at the site level, the entry of provisional values can be made at either the company or site level ; but once a provision has been entered at the level of a company, it will be impossible to enter the provisions in the sites attached to the company (except to delete the previous provisions of the company). Conversely, the entry of a provision at the level of a site prevents the entry of a provision at the company level to which it is attached.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The statistical provisions entry function comprises a screen containing the header criteria and columns displaying the provisions already entered and which can be used to enter further provisions or to modify them. These values are displayed once all the criteria have been entered or when using the button . At any time there is the possibility to change the criterion values to restart the modification.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

It identifies the current statistical code. A set of totals based on one to eight crossed criteria is linked to each statistical code.

Define the code for the company. It can be mandatory according to the level of definition of the statistics parameterization.

Define the site code. It is mandatory if the company code is not assigned. In this case, it makes it possible to initialize the company code.

  • Start date (field DATDEB)

Start date of the statistical process : this date must fall in the first period as a function of the periodicity defined.

  • End date (field DATFIN)

End date for the statistical process : this date must fall in the last period as a function of the periodicity defined.

  • Criterion (field LIBEL)

Used to display the current value of successive criteria, whilst moving between levels in provisions entry. The display is made in the form :


The number of criteria displayed depends on the level reached via the level change buttons.


  • field NUMLIG


  • field LIBCLE

Used to enter the criterion for which provisions will be entered.

  • Det (field FLG)

This column is display only and contains an asterisk if the provision amount for the line derives from an aggregated of provision amounts entered at lower levels. If this is the case, it is impossible to directly modify the level of the provisions : it is necessary to descend to the lower levels using the button.

Once a lower level of detail has been reached, it is possible to modify or delete the corresponding line and ascend to the level above.

  • Title (field INTCLE)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • field AMT1

Define the amount for the provision that is to be assigned for the given criterion and the statistical value.

  • field AMT2


  • field AMT3


  • field AMT4


  • field AMT5


  • field AMT6


  • field AMT7


  • field AMT8


  • field AMT9


  • field AMT10




Specific Buttons

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :


Define the code for the company. It can be mandatory according to the level of definition of the statistics parameterization.

Define the site code. It is mandatory if the company code is not assigned. In this case, it makes it possible to initialize the company code.

  • Start date (field DATDEB)

Start date of the statistical process : this date must fall in the first period as a function of the periodicity defined.

  • End date (field DATFIN)

End date for the statistical process : this date must fall in the last period as a function of the periodicity defined.


Used to change the entry criteria via a dedicated screen that is automatically opened.

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • Initialization type (field TYPINI)

Used to define the initialization type of the provision :

  • in the case of the real, the global provisional amounts will be calculated from the calculated statistics (for a period that is then entered). They are then distributed over the calculation period.
  • In the case of the provisional, a provision made on an earlier period to be entered is distributed.

Block number 2

  • Level (field NIVEAU)

Define the reference level for the statistics that will serve in the initialization of the current provision. This is used to define the statistics at a reasonable aggregation level without descending to greater detail.

Thus, for example, if there is a statistic based on 5 criteria and the calculation is made at level 3, for each interaction of the first 3 criteria, carryout the total of the corresponding statistic and then calculate a provision at level 3 detail.

  • Start date (field DATDEBI)

Used to indicate the statistical reference dates that will serve in the initialization of the provision.

  • End date (field DATFINI)


Table Variables

  • Variable (field VARNAM)

Define the code for the variable for which the provisions are calculated.

  • Title (field AMTDES)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Increase (%) (field AUGMENT)

These two fields are used to indicate the increase percentage that will be applied to the calculation basis as well as the rounded amount used.

For example this amount can be 1, 10, 100, even 20 or 50.

  • Rounding (field ARROND)



This button is used to calculate a statistical provision starting with the original amount that can be an actual amount for a given period or a provision on period other than the calculation period, then applying any increase percentages. A window opens to define the parameters in this initialization.

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :

Table Variables

  • Variable (field VARNAM)

Define the code for the variable for which the provisions are calculated.

  • Title (field AMTDES)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Increase (%) (field AUGMENT)

These two fields are used to indicate the increase percentage that will be applied to the calculation basis as well as the rounded amount used.

For example this amount can be 1, 10, 100, even 20 or 50.

  • Rounding (field ARROND)



This button is used to increase some or all of the amounts for the provision by applying an increase percentage. A window opens to define the parameters in this increase.

Used to go back up to the immediately superior level when on a detail line.

Used to descend to the detail of the line to define provision values at a more detailed level.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No provision for this code

A statistical code has been entered for which no value has been parameterized as being likely to be entered as a provision.

The provisions have already been entered at the site level.

An attempt has been made to enter the provisions at a company level, however provisions have already been entered at the site level.

The provisions have already been entered at the company level.

An attempt has been made to enter the provisions at a site level, however provisions have already been entered at the company level.

Tables used

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The provisions can be entered only in the form of integer numbers.

The entry of provisions is carried out from date to date, with the understanding that this entry is automatically contained as a function of the periodicity of the statistic. Thus, if there is a monthly statistic and if the dates entered are from 10/01/06 to 25/04/06, these dates are automatically re-displayed with the values 01/01/06 and 30/04/06.

When the entry interval covers several dates, the system automatically splits the amount VALEUR over the N periods by rounding the split amounts with the following rule :

amount for the period P = round ( P * VALEUR / N) - round((P-1)*VALEUR /N)

Thus, for example, if an amount is split over 3 periods :

  • an amount of 10 will be distributed as 3,4,3.
  • an amount of 11 will be distributed as 4,3,4.
  • an amount of 12 will be distributed as 4,4,4.

If the amounts should be distributed differently, it is necessary to enter the most detailed level (by giving as the entry period a unitary period containing the periodicity of the statistic).