Data types
> Data types Module Supervisor
Data types Module Supervisor
A (Alphanumeric type)
AAR (Parameter code)
AB0 (Image file)
ABA (Recurring task code)
ABB (Image file)
ABC (Batch server calendar)
ABD (Doc. image file)
ABF (Fact tables)
ABG (Groups of tasks)
ABH (Hourly constraints)
ABI (Dimensions)
ABIMG (Image blob)
ABM (Datamart)
ABO (Business objects reports)
ABR (Abbreviation screen/table)
ABS (Grid variable )
ABT (Task code)
ABV (Synchronisation rules)
ABW (Data warehouse)
AC (Key type)
AC0 (Text file (clob))
AC1 (Text file URL)
ACB (Standard text file)
ACD (Documentation clob)
ACG (Key change)
ACL (Control table)
ACLA (Structure)
ACN (Inquiries)
ACPLAIN (Plain text clob)
ACR (Crystal report name)
ACRTF (RTF clob)
ACS (Access code)
ACST (Constant)
ACT (Action)
ACTX (Context)
ACV (Activity code)
ADATIM (Date time)
ADC (Processing)
ADD (Remote folder)
ADI (Miscellaneous table set-up)
ADL (Address line)
ADLK (Setup kit)
ADLV (Deliverable)
ADP (General parameters)
ADR (Address code)
ADRNC (Address codes (w/o control))
ADS (Folder)
ADV (Miscellaneous table set-up)
ADW (Parameter value)
ADZ (Help key-word)
AEV (Table setup/import)
AEX (Exclusion)
AFC (Functions)
AFE (Adonix formula)
AFF (Adonix formula)
AFR (Adonix formula)
AFT (User function profile)
AGB (Global variable)
AGC (Company groupings)
AGF (Site groupings)
AHH (Hierarchies)
AHI (History/purge)
AII (Predefined conditions)
AIM (Printers)
AIN (Contact (relationship))
AIT (Interactive components)
AIU (BI user profile)
ALEG (Legislation)
ALH (Query tool)
ALO (User login code)
ALQ (Query tool)
AMC (Machine name)
AME (Profession code)
AMIME (MIME management)
AMK (Screen code)
AMM (Memo code)
AMS (Workflow)
AMSG (Messages)
ANB (Number of elements)
ANG (Navigation)
ANM (Document number)
ANU (User directory)
ANX (Table index)
AOB (Object)
AOE (Import/export templates)
AOI (Import/export flag)
AOR (Transcribe import/export)
AOW (Lot number)
AP2 (Multi-lists)
APH (Setup templates)
APHOTO (Photo)
APM (User menu profile)
APP (Dashboard view parameters)
APR (Processes)
APS (Dashboard pages)
APU (Publication group)
APV (Dashboard views)
APW (Password)
ARA (ZPL file templates)
ARC (Archiving rules)
ARF (Structure reference)
ARP (Report)
ART (RTF file)
ARU (EDM user profile)
ARX (Print code)
ARZ (ZPL printer setup)
ASB (Graphic components)
ASL (Conditional styles)
ASM (Methods)
ASO (Solution)
ASTO (File)
ASU (Subprograms)
ASW (Representations)
ASY (Presentation styles)
AT (Image file type)
AT1 (Transactions)
ATB (Tables)
ATN (Transaction type)
ATP (Gadget type)
ATRAFIC (Trace file)
ATRANS (Translation)
ATT (Dictionary text)
ATU (Geographic subdivisions)
ATX (Dictionary text)
ATY (Data type)
ATYP (Prototype type)
AUR (Links)
AUS (User)
AUUID (Single identifier)
AV (Variable format)
AVA (Field name)
AVB (Variable name)
AVC (Property path)
AVF (File)
AVL (Volume)
AVOIDBLB (Blbfile empty)
AVOIDCLB (Clbfile empty)
AVOL (File)
AVP (Gadget)
AVR (Values)
AVT (Table - view)
AVV (Variable format)
AVW (Views)
AVWT (Table - view)
AWA (Workflow rules)
AWE (Publication name)
AWM (Data models)
AWR (Assignment rules)
AWW (Workflow workbench)
AWX (Notifications)
AX1 (Short translatable text)
AX2 (Normal translatable text)
AX3 (Long translatable text)
AXL (Web services)
AXX (Translatable text (text))
AY (Web site patch)
AY8 (Temporary composite key)
AY9 (Composite key)
AYA (Web action)
AYB (Blocks)
AYC (List of values)
AYD (Web site profile)
AYE (Entity)
AYF (Field)
AYG (Web pages)
AYH (Safe X3 WAS profile)
AYI (Interface)
AYL (Dynamic links)
AYM (Messages)
AYN (Lines by types)
AYO (Web services pools)
AYP (Personalized styles)
AYR (Parameter definition)
AYS (Web site)
AYV (Values)
AYW (Conditioned blocks)
AYY (Html document)
AYZ (Form)
BID (Bank ID code)
BPA (Entity number)
C (Short integer)
CNT (Contact)
COE (Coefficient)
CPY (Company)
CRN (Company tax ID number)
CRT (Site tax ID code)
CRY (Country code)
CT0 (City)
CTY (City)
CTYN (City)
CUR (Currency)
D (Date)
DES (Description)
DR (Relative date)
E164TEL (Telephone)
EEC (EU VAT no.)
FCY (Site)
FEN (Window)
FIC (File)
FOR (Formula)
GEO (Geographic code)
GTC (Inquiries)
HM (Time hh:mm)
HS (Time hh:mm:ss)
ICO (Icon)
ID (Identifier)
ID1 (Identifier 1)
ID2 (Identifier 2)
L (Long integer)
LAN (Language)
LNK (Link expression)
M (Local menu)
M1 (Checkbox)
M14 (Local menu 14)
MAI (E-mail address)
MD0 (Amount in currency)
MD1 (Amount in currency)
MD2 (Short amount)
MD3 (Currency amt without separator)
MD4 (Special amount in currencies)
MD5 (Price in currency)
MM (Local menu can be modified)
MNL (Local menu number)
NAF (NAF code)
NAM (Name)
NCY (Country name)
NID (Unique identification number)
PAB (Domicile)
POS (Postal code)
POSN (Postal code)
PS1 (Statistical parameters)
PS2 (Statistical parameters)
QTY (Quantity)
RCU (Currency rate)
SAT (Region (county, state, ..))
SATN (Region (county, state, ..))
SATNOREF (Region (county, state, ..))
SHO (Short description)
TCU ()
TEL (Telephone)
TEX (Text)
TFOLEG (Formulas by legislation)
TRA (Trace file)
UOM (Unit)
UVY (Unavailable periods)
VCR (Entry number )
W (Filler)