Entry points > Module Supervisor > Standard script LECFIC 


The entry point SETBOUT is used to insert additional logic in the log file display screen in order that certain buttons are greyed out or available.

Context and operating mode

The SETBOUT entry point is called just before the programme "SETBOUT" in GESECRAN. The only modifiable variable is the integers grid ETABOU that contains the desired status of the buttons (1=active, 0=greyed out). The default active indexes are : GVALI, GSUPP, GEDIT, GBFIN respectively for the actions OK, Delete, Print and End.


The entry point OUVRE is used to define the name of a log file on the opening of a log.

Context and operating mode

The entry point OUVRE is called in the sub-programme OUVRE_TRACE for the process LECFIC. As standard, the name of the log file is constructed from the letter "F" followed by the value from the sequence number counter NUMIMP. To modify this name, it is sufficient to initialise the global variable GTRACE with the new name. The log file is always created in the directory TRA of the current application with the suffix .tra.