General parameters > Chapter Adonix > Parameter ADXLIG (Number of lines joined to the table) 

This parameter is used to optimize the display of tables/grids with a large number of lines present in an object management. It defines the maximum number of lines of the table/grid to be transferred from the server to the customer during the first stage of display.

This is used, when viewing several records with a large number of lines in a row, to do so quickly while avoiding a too lengthy transfer time of several seconds.

The complete loading of a grid/table only occurs when switching to the modification mode in the grid/table, or when an operation has been performed on the grid/table, such as a scrolling, a right click or a column sorting.

When the grid/table is not totally loaded, the ADP_ADXLIG_1.gif icon appears in the left top corner. A click on the icon concerned is also used to reload the grid/table.

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module ADX (Adonix) and to Group INT (Interface User),in which the following parameters can also be found :

  • DIREXP (Client workstation directory)
  • DIRPCE (Attachment directory)

The [S]adxligv system variable is associated with it.


It is recommended to put in this parameter a value ranging from 30 to 50. This enables at least the first page of the grid/table to be viewed.