General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter DIRDOC (Final doc directory) 

This parameter is used to define the directory where the documentation should be generated. It should be noted that this directory must exist beforehand. The following sub-directories will be used (they are created if they do not exist) :

  • FCT  (function help directory)
  • OBJ (object help directory)
  • L4G (language help directory)
  • MCD (dictionary help directory)
  • INSTALLATION (directory of the help relating to the installation procedures)
  • FLD (field help directory)
  • CONSOLE (directory of the help on the administration console).

If need be, an XML directory must also be created, if XML format documentations need to be extracted.

This parameter can contain the % character. Upon help creation, this character is replaced by the language code corresponding to the generation language selected. This is used to generate helps in several languages by separating the created files in different directories.

This parameter can contain a maximum of 250 characters.

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group DOC (Documentation),in which the following parameters can also be found :

The global variable GDIRDOC is associated to it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are concerned by this parameter :

 Translations > Documentation > Extract documentation

 Translations > Documentation > Import documentation

 Translations > Documentation > Documentation workbench

 Development > Data and parameters > Documentation > Documentation