Workflow rules > Category GEN > Code CONNECT ([Connexion]) 

This rule is used to trace connections of all types (in principle, with this event, the usuccessful connections are traced rather than others).

Context and operating mode

This workflow rule is triggered on the miscellaneous event named "Connection".

It triggers a message.

The triggering context is the Workflow event of Miscellaneous type called CON (Connection), activated in all cases (successful or unsuccessful connection).

Triggering criteria

The additional triggering criteria are the following :

  • Tests can be carried out on the value of the GERR variable, which is set to 0 in case of successful connection and takes values not equal to 0 in case of error. An error code can be searched using the find function used to provide a list of codes that need to be traced. The list of error codes provided in the default setup is for information only and it will be modified based on what needs to be traced.


The recipient definition is performed as follows :

  • A message is sent to the general administrator (other rules can be chosen), identified by their code defined in the ADMUSR parameter, accessible via the func AFNC.PARAM("ADMUSR","") function.

Message text

The message contains the code of the user concerned, the error number and the message in full, as well as the date and time when the connection or connection attempt has been made.

To that end, the GMESSAGE, variable is used, which provides a clear message on why the connection failed. There are various errors, they are detailed in the table below. Following the rule provided as a standard, only those connections that failed because of an incorrect password are traced.


Incorrest password (automated connection)


Incorrect language code


Non-existent or inactive user code


Maximum number of sessions by user exceeded


User account locked (too many connection attempts)


Password incorrect


No start menu


Connection denied by entry point


Number of users exceeded for the profile


Folder locked (in single-user mode, in the process of being saved, revalidated, rest to zero, resynchronized, etc.)


Non-existent menu


Locking error during the connection phase


Password entry denied (upon modification request)

Tables used

No table is used by this function.