It is mandatory that the shipped quantity is entered. A warning message is displayed if the quantity entered is less than the minimum quantity defined in the product record. A warning message may also appear if the quantity entered is greater than the maximum quantity entered in the product record. These messages can be blocking according to the value of the SDACLOK - Price, margin, qty non blocking control (VEN chapter, AUZ group) user parameter.
When the shipped quantity is entered a price list search process is automatically carried out. The purpose of this search is to recover:
- the gross price as well as the associated reason,
- the charges and discounts in percentages or in amounts to be applied to the line level as well as the associated reasons,
- any free product(s).
The price list search process can be triggered in different ways depending on the product type entered.
In effect, if the entered product is of the type 'Normal', the search process is automatically triggered.
When the entered product is of the type 'Kit parent product' or 'BOM parent product, an initial price list search is triggered for the parent product ('Normal' type), then before triggering the price list search for the components, a read of the BOM file is carried out in order to identify whether different BOM codes of the 'commercial' type exist, in which case they are displayed in a window. If the product has only a single BOM code, it will be taken into account automatically.
After choosing the BOM code, different cases can occur according to the construction of the product BOM:
- Each component of the 'Normal' type is selected automatically.
It is automatically replaced by the substitute product if the latter has been entered in the Product record and if the document date is superior or equal to the substitution date.
For the other types of components entered below, when a substitute product is used, the original product description is displayed at the level of the components selection window.
- For each component of the 'Normal' (with formula) type, a window opens automatically displaying the set of products coming from the selection formula. If a 'Normal' component has also be recorded in the same sequence, this component is also displayed in the list. By default, it is automatically selected but it is still possible to de-select it.. Its quantity cannot be modified.
It is possible to select one or several components from the selection. The buttons [Include all] and [Exclude all] are available for this purpose. As soon as no component is selected, the [Criteria] button becomes available so as to narrow the selection down when the number of table lines is too important (the number of lines depends on the number of lines remaining to be inserted in the document). - For each component of the type 'Variant', a window opens presenting the set of variants listed at the BOM level or coming from a selection. The user must choose one.
- For each component of the type 'Option', the option is suggested and the user must accept it or refuse it. When several options are possible for a same BOM level, a window opens for the user to select one or more options or to refuse all of them.
- For each component of the type 'Multiple Option', a window opens presenting the set of components listed at the BOM level or coming from a selection formula. You can select several ones or refuse all. The buttons [Include all] and [Exclude all] are available for this purpose. As soon as no component is selected, the [Criteria] button becomes available so as to narrow the selection down when the number of table lines is too important.
The lines corresponding to the different BOM components are then generated:
- If the product is of the type 'Kit parent product', all the component lines are automatically generated. These lines become completely dependent on the parent component. They appear on the screen but are not accessible. The component quantity is automatically calculated from that of the parent product. If the parent product quantity is modified, the quantities of all the components are automatically recalculated. If the parent product is deleted, all the components are automatically deleted.
- If the product is of the 'BOM parent product' type, all the component lines are proposed and they are modifiable (except the sales unit). They are independent with respect to the parent product. If the parent product is modified or deleted, a question is posed over whether or not to transfer the modification or deletion to the components.
In both cases, a price list search for the component type is then automatically triggered and for each delivery line generated, a value is assigned to the type of line:
- 'Kit option' or 'BOM option' for a component of type 'Option',
- 'Kit Variant' or 'BOM Variant' for a 'Variant' type component,
- 'Kit component' or 'BOM component' for a component of 'Normal' type.
Certain price list controls are carried out on exiting this price list process:
- if the price is defined tax included, the tax-ex price is calculated.
- control on the calculated net price: if the calculated net price is less than the threshold price stored in the product a warning message is displayed.
- control on the profit margin: if the percentage margin is less than the minimum margin percentage stored in the product record, a warning message appears.
These different messages can be blocking according to the value given to the SDACLOK - Price, margin, qty non blocking control user parameter.
If the shipment comes from an order and an allocated quantity remains and a shortage on the order, the fact of increasing the shipped quantity will consume the allocations then the shortages still present in the order.
When the delivery line is created and the shipped quantity is then modified, the 'stock' detail window then automatically opens at the line end to give the user the choice of stock lines to be modified. The stock detail window does not open in only one case. If the delivery line is only associated with one stock line and the shipped quantity is decremented, the system automatically reduces the recorded quantity on the stock line, no intervention from the user required.