Setup > Usage > Batch server > Batch server parameters 

Your Sage X3 software includes an integrated batch server which is used to launch tasks on the application server in batch mode.

Use this function to modify the parameters that launch the batch server and control the execution of the batch tasks. 

Before setting or changing the batch server parameters Sage advise that you read the following documentation: Explanation of batch server operation.

Screen management

The Batch server parameters function displays a single screen into which you enter your batch server information.

Entry screen


Use this screen to define the parameters for your batch server.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Batch server

  • Server name (field APPLI)

This field, which is display only, gives the name of the folder where the batch server is used. This name depends on the software used (for instance, in the case of ADONIX X3, it is called SERVX3).

  • Next query number (field NUMREQ)

It is the current number of the request counter; each request is numbered. This number is automatically incremented, but for maintenance reasons, it is possible to modifiy it.

  • Use of batch files (field JOB)

If this box is checked, it will be possible to start tasks by the creation of files in a dedicated directory (defined below). This supposes that the users on behalf of whom the tasks will be launched have the parameter EXTBATCH equal to Yes. For further information on the submission of queries by file, it is recommended to read the corresponding documentation.

It is then mandatory to fill the various directories used to manage this submission of queries by file.

Block number 2

  • Directory of query start files (.job) (field REPJOB)

If this box is checked, it will be possible to start tasks by the creation of files in a dedicated directory (defined below). This supposes that the users on behalf of whom the tasks will be launched have the parameter EXTBATCH equal to Yes. For further information on the submission of queries by file, it is recommended to read the corresponding documentation.

It is then mandatory to fill the various directories used to manage this submission of queries by file.

Block number 3

  • Directory of template files (.mod) (field REPMOD)

This group of parameters defines the different directories used for the management of queries submitted by a file. These directories are expected to be found, by default, on the application server (another server on the network is possible, with the syntax server@directory, but in no case should the directory be on a client workstation). The extension used for the processed files is specified between brackets in the header of the column.

The creation of the files for submitting the queries to the batch server is documented in more detail in the corresponding documentation.

Block number 4

  • Directory of status files (.sta) (field REPSTA)


Block number 5

  • Directory of in-process query files (.run) (field REPRUN)

This group of parameters defines the different directories used for the management of queries submitted by a file. These directories are expected to be found, by default, on the application server (another server on the network is possible, with the syntax server@directory, but in no case should the directory be on a client workstation). The extension used for the processed files is specified between brackets in the header of the column.

The creation of the files for submitting the queries to the batch server is documented in more detail in the corresponding documentation.

Block number 6

  • Directory of pending query files (.req) (field REPREQ)


Block number 7

  • Directory of query stop files (.kil) (field REPKIL)

This group of parameters defines the different directories used for the management of queries submitted by a file. These directories are expected to be found, by default, on the application server (another server on the network is possible, with the syntax server@directory, but in no case should the directory be on a client workstation). The extension used for the processed files is specified between brackets in the header of the column.

The creation of the files for submitting the queries to the batch server is documented in more detail in the corresponding documentation.

Block number 8

  • Directory of request start archive files (.old) (field REPOLD)




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Maximum : N

An attempt has been made to submit too many simultaneous batch tasks. Please refer to the field Maximum no. active queries (field NBTACHE) to view the number of batch tasks that can be executed simultaneously on this application server.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation