Setup > General parameters > Parameter values 

This function is used to update the different parameters used by the software in all its modules.

A parameter is a value influencing the operation of the software, independently of the database structure. It can be of the following type:

  • alphanumeric (a series of characters are entered). If the value is controlled by a table, the selection window is available by right click.
  • numeric
  • local menu type, that is to say a choice from a list of options such as Yes/No for instance. A local menu is a table identified by a number. It is possible to select from it either by right click in the list of possible choices or by entering the first significant characters (in this case the entry is carried out : in a Yes/No case, entering Y is sufficient).

Among the parameters to be found in the supervisor are for instance a default administrator code, a maximum number of failed attempts at entering the password before locking, and a question relating to the operation trace (multiple-choice answers). Parameters that require assigning are found in all the modules.

A parameter is characterized by an internal code (ADMUSR for the code mentioned above), a title that is more descriptive, and a localization level. In fact, certain parameters must be defined for the whole folder, whilst others can be defined by legislation, company or even by site. When a parameter is not defined for a given site, the value for the company that it is part of is taken, and if no value has been defined for the company, the value for the legislation that it is part of is taken, and when no value is defined at this level, the default folder value is used. In this way, even if a parameter can be defined by site, it is possible to give a global value for the folder, and then to only define the exceptions for certain companies, legislations and/or sites.


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Screen management

Entry screen


Firstly a chapter code must be entered, which corresponds to a functional module (ACH for purchasing, CPT for accounting, etc...).

Then, at the requested definition level, the following is entered :

  • either a legislation code
  • or a company code
  • or a site code
  • or no code at all (to be at the Folder level).

It is then possible to modify the parameters that can be defined at the corresponding level, and at the levels located below. In this way, if a site is entered, only the parameters that can be defined at this level of detail can be modified. If a company code is entered, the parameters that can be defined at Company and Site levels can be modified (it is thus possible to assign a default value for all the company's sites to which no value has ever been assigned).

At Folder level, all the parameters can be modified, thus making it possible to assign them a default value.

Some parameters are defined at User level : in general, they can be modified, since a default value can be assigned to them at their site level. On the other hand, if their value needs to be modified for a given user, these modifications need to be carried out in the user record.

Once the choice of level has been made, a list of groups of parameters is displayed. Each group corresponds to a set of parameters that require assigning simultaneously. The left list called Parameters by group is used to display the details of the parameters belonging to the group of the current line, with their values. The last column of the grid indicates the finest definition level of at least one parameter of the group. For instance, it is thus possible to know that, at a site level, for a given group, all the parameters are inherited from the Company level or a higher level, and that none has really been defined at site level.

The parameters can be modified :

  • either by switching to the detail of the parameters, using the button described below (or by double-clicking on the corresponding parameter in the Parameters by group left list: the window corresponding to the values is then displayed, with the cursor positioned on the corresponding line).
  • or by assigning a set of values predefined to the group. These sets of parameters are used to have available default values without having to move down to the level of each parameter.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field identifies the functionnal chapter to which the parameters that need modifying belong.

This field defines the legislation for which the parmeters need to be modified (if this field is empty, the parameters will be modified at another level).

This field defines the company for which the parmeters need to be modified (if this field is empty, the parameters will be modified at another level).

This field defines the site for which the parmeters need to be modified (if this field is empty, the parameters will be modified at another level).

Table number 1

Within a parameter chapter, logical groups of parameters are defined. They are usually modified simultaneously and global sets of values can be defined for them.

This field makes it possible to force the use of a predefined set of values onto the group's parameters. If this field is empty, it means that the values of the parameters have been entered separately and they do not correspond to a predefined set of values.

  • Level (field NIVGRP)

This field indicates the level of definition of the entered parameter. A group line displays the most detailed level at which at least one of the group's parameters has been defined.



Action icon



The following fields are included in this window :

Block number 1

This field identifies the functionnal chapter to which the parameters that need modifying belong.

This field defines the legislation for which the parmeters need to be modified (if this field is empty, the parameters will be modified at another level).

This field defines the company for which the parmeters need to be modified (if this field is empty, the parameters will be modified at another level).

This field defines the site for which the parmeters need to be modified (if this field is empty, the parameters will be modified at another level).

Block number 2

Within a parameter chapter, logical groups of parameters are defined. They are usually modified simultaneously and global sets of values can be defined for them.


  • Parameter (field PARAM)

This code identifies the parameter to be modified.

  • Description (field NAME)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Value (field VALEUR)

The value of the concerned general parameter is entered here.

This field makes it possible to force the use of a predefined set of values onto the group's parameters. If this field is empty, it means that the values of the parameters have been entered separately and they do not correspond to a predefined set of values.

  • Level (field NIVEAU)

This field indicates the level of definition of the entered parameter. A group line displays the most detailed level at which at least one of the group's parameters has been defined.


This function that can be accessed by right-clicking on the Set of value field is used to enter the values of each parameter one by one. The displayed grid contains the various values, and the level at which they have been defined is mentioned. By positioning the cursor on the current line without being in entry mode, it is possible to access the following functions by double-click :


This function makes it possible to access a contextual help, which further explains the use of the parameter of the current line.

Set selection

This function is used to select a set of values in order to assign all the parameters (which can then be modified individually).

Set of values

It enables a tunnel to be performed to this function.

In entry mode on a value, it is possible, via choices accessible by right-click, to recover the value defined at a higher level by deleting the value of the current level. In this way, for a value defined at the Site level, the selections Company value, Legislation valueand Folder value can be recovered by right-click.

Parameter search

This function allows a parameter to be searched by its code, so as to be directly in entry mode on the detail screen of the corresponding group.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 ADOVAL : Parameter values

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Modification in process on another workstation

This means that another person is currently modifying the same parameters on another workstation. In fact, the locking of this function is performed by chapter and level (by company, or site, or with an empty value in the two fields). It is thus impossible to carry out the modification on two workstations at the same time in the same chapter and at the same company or site level.

Tables used

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