Translations > Software > Functions > Texts to translate 

This functionality is used to translate the application by differentiation for a given language.

The translation is made on a single screen. The selection criteria are used to refine the selection of texts to translate. This option is used to translate by differentiation of the text file ATEXTE.


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Screen management

The Text number is optional.

The "Texts non translated", "Modified texts" and "Translated texts" selection criteria are exclusive. In addition, the selection of the "Modified texts" and "Translated texts" criteria leads to the entry of a search start date.

The reference language is displayed on the uneven lines of the grid. Upon launching a search, the following information is displayed: a text number, a title (text column), the information in case the text is a duplicate (comment column), the creation/modification date of the text as well as a Help column, which is used to have the list of use of this text.

The translation language (language to translate) is displayed on the even line of the grid. When a "? " is present in the Text column, the recording is a new text.

With the "Modified texts" criteria, the selection is performed in the reference language, and the texts in the reference language are filtered according to the date entered.

Conversely, for the "Translated texts", the selection is made from the translation language; the texts in the translation language modified from the entered date onwards are displayed.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


No help linked to this field.


  • First text number (field STRNUM)



  • ATEXTE text not translated (field TRAFLG)

No help linked to this field.

  • Modified text (field UPDFLG)


  • Since (field UPDFLGDAT)


  • Translated texts (field CHGFLG)


  • Since (field CHGFLGDAT)

No help linked to this field.

  • Only the texts used (crossed ref.) (field USEFLG)


Grid Search

  • No. (field NUMERO)


  • Text (field TEXTE)

No help linked to this field.

  • Comment (field DOUBLON)


  • Length (field LONG)



  • Change date (field UPDDAT)


  • Help (field ICO)




Action icon

Standard rerouting action
Standard rerouting action




Specific Buttons

This button is used to apply the selection.

This button is used to create or update the ATEXTE table in the database.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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