Setup > Usage > Imports / exports > Transcribe import/export 

This function is used to transcode data during import/export by matching a local and an external code. The principle is as follows:

  • In export, a search is made on the value of the field to be exported in the list of values in the local code column. If the good value is found, it is replaced by the corresponding external code (if there are several, it is the first line that is used ; if the value * is associated with it no transcoding takes place). if it is not available, if an * value exists in the local code column, the associated external value will be taken. This is thus used to define a default transcoding for all the values no explicitly listed in the table.
  • In import, a search is made on the value of the field to be exported in the list of values of the local code column. If the the value * is found in this case, the field is not transcode (this makes it possible to define the values that are not being transcoded). If the good value is not found in the external code, but if an external code is set to *, the corresponding internal code is taken.

This transcoding is triggered once the association is made with the field in the corresponding table in the 'import/export template.

Transcoding table example :

Local code

External code















The principle is as follows:

  • In export, code A is replaced by 1, code B by 2, codes C and CC par 3 (the first found, the second code C is not used in the export sense), D by 3 ; any other code is replaced by 6.
  • In import, code 1 is replaced by code A, code 2 by B, code 3 by C (the first found), code 4 by C, code 5 by D, and code 6 remains equal to 6. All other codes are transcoded to D.

Therefore is should be noted that the functioning of the transcoding tables is symmetrical, with the exception of the processing of the *. In addition, it should be noted that the spaces are not considered as significant for the comparisons linked to the transcoding : as a consequence, it is not possible to enter the spaces in the codes.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The entry of a table is made by firstly defining its number, then entering the transcoding lines in the form of a grid (as standard limited to 99, but this limit is only limited to the screen and not the structure of the table).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Table (field NUMTAB)

Number identifying the transcoding table. This field is entered in the links to the import/export templates when a field must be transcoded in this table.

  • Description (field INTIT)



  • Local code (field CODLOC)

Define the code used internally (in the software).

  • External code (field CODEXT)

Define the code used in the files for the data to be imported or exported.

  • Description (field CODINTIT)




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"SPACE" character prohibited

Spaces have been entered in one of the codes.

Identical local code and external code

The same internal and external code has been entered.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Annex: number slots



 1 - 99


 100 - 199


 400 - 499


 600 - 699


 800 - 899
