Before creating a site, it is recommended to read the following documentation:Before starting.
This function is used to manage forms created via Internet.
The ASAMPLE site displays a 'Contact'page which is used to create forms online.
The form data can be entered by the user in the fields of the HTML form and are set as setup of the Web action calling up the X3 Web service (AYZ object) creating the form in the X3 database.
An XTEND form is formed of:
The data calculated upon creation are the code (FRMCOD), the status (STATUT) and the creation date (CREDAT).
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Code of the form |
| Web site |
| Type of form |
| Status of the form |
| Title of the form |
|   |
|   |
|   |
| Picture associated with the form |
Grid List of values
| Additional parameter codes |
| Values of additional parameters |
| Message of the form |