Usage > Interfaces > Default values > Default values 

This function allows the definition of the default values for the zones of the windows.

This screen is related to the management of interfaces between  Warehousing and L3, but may also be used in interactive that gives the default values to whatever zone of a window that has the action VALDEFC or VALDEFN in Before-Key in.
In what concerns the interfaces, it allows the specification of a default value per site/depositor ( including for the locations) for all the fields used in the different import interfaces. This for example for the zone that will never be filled in by the L3 and that it cannot also be removed.


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Screen management

For each screen, the default values that one desires to manage are defined.

Entry screen


Indicate the name of the window. The table of  all the zones to be filled in is then displayed in the order of their keying in with their description and a mention of mandatory or not. It is enough to key in the default value that is needed.

The default values for the interfaces table is used by INTIMPORT, and not by INTERFIC.

Therefore it is necessary to know the correspondence between the interfaces in import and the windows it uses to simulate the keying in. 



ITM (Items and item containers)

OITM (Items)
OITC (Item containers)


ODOH (DO header)
FTABDOL (DO lines)


OINH (DI header)
FTABINL (DI lines)


OEIN (EI header)
FTABEIL (EI lines)

INISLO (Initializationof locations)

OSLO (Locations)

INISKO (Initialization of stock)

OAJM (Adjustments)
DSRNDACM (Serial n° in adjustment)

These default values are only used if all the other actions that could fill in the zone couldn’t fill them in.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Nameof the window (regrouping of screens) for which the user would define thedefault value for the interfacing.



  • Field code (field CODZON)


  • Index (field DIME)


  • Description (field TEXTE)


  • Mandat (field OBLIG)


  • Value (field VALEUR)

Valueof the field.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Window XX : data unknown
The keyed in templatel is not keyed in the templates table

Tables used

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