Refer to documentation Implementation
Keying in of the different criteria allowing the calculation of cost.
If it is known to the user, the simpliest is to key in the tariff n° to be used to carry out the simulation ; if not fill in the zones related to the transport to be calculated.
According to the price n° keyed in previously, one of the zones is displayed : it is the unit used to define the tariff.
According to the price n° keyed in previously, the characteristics of the price list zones are displayed.
The price is displayed after pressing the Calculation button.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Price list
| Code identifying the carrier. This code must be defined in the carrier table. |
| Usually, the transport mode corresponds to the notions of messaging, freight, express,... The transport mode is checked against the transport modes table. |
| Price list code used to calculate the freight amount by means of the freight pre-invoicing functionality. |
| Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon creation of the carrier price list. |
| Used to specify the price number to be used to carry out the calculation of the transport charges. |
| Weight by means of which the transport amount must be estimated. |
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| Volume by means of which the transport amount must be estimated. |
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| Linear metering by means of which the transport amount must be estimated. |
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| Requested if, in the carrier set-up, the price list type is set to 'Parcel number'. The calculation of the transport amount will be carried out based on the number of parcels. |
| Country code of the ship-to customer. |
| Country description of the ship-to customer. |
| Ship-to customer status. |
| Postal code of the ship-to customer. |
| Ship-to customer's town. |
| Delivery field of the ship-to customer. |
| Shipment date for the entity. |
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|   |
Launch the calculation of the transport cost according to the information previously keyed in. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Carriage mode not associated to carrier XX.
The carriage mode keyed in was not set-up for the carrier.
Tariff number of tariff code XXX.
The tariff n° keyed in belongs to tariff code XXX.
Price number of the tariff number XXX.
The price n° keyed in was not defined for this carrier, tariff n°.
Characteristic out of tariff.
The destination information do not correspond to the criteria of the tariff n° keyed in.
Characteristic out of tariff (> XXX)
The loading information keyed in are beyond that what is defined for this tariff.