Other prerequisites
Il faut avoir au préalable installé le ou les fichiers de patch à intégrer dans un répertoire du serveur. Si plusieurs patches doivent être installés simultanément, il faut s'assurer qu'il n'y a que les fichiers constitutifs du patch à intégrer dans le répertoire (car dans ce cas, on va donner comme paramètre le nom du répertoire).
Il est conseillé (même si cela n'a rien d'obligatoire) de se connecter sur le dossier superviseur (qui se nomme, selon les progiciels, X3, PAYE, GX...) pour intégrer les patches. En effet, réaliser toute gestion ou maintenance de dossier à partir du dossier de référence est un bon principe.
Avant d'intégrer des patches, il faut s'assurer en outre que :
- Les tâches comptables de tous les dossiers sont arrêtées, ainsi que tout autre tâche batch.
- Le serveur batch est inactif (par mesure de sécurité au cas où une tâche batch serait en attente). Ce conseil est bien sûr valable si on n'intègre pas les patches en batch !
- L'intégration des patches se fait en mono utilisateur pour l'environnement et à partir du dossier superviseur (ce contrôle est assuré lorsque l'on intègre les patches en batch).
Other prerequisites
You need to have previously installed the patch file(s) in a server directory. If you need install several patches at once, you need to ensure that there are only patch files to be integrated in the directory because in this case, the directory name is given as a setup.
It is advised, though not mandatory, to connect to the supervisor folder (which is named, according to the package, X3, PAYE, GX, etc.) to install the patches. Performing all folder management or maintenance in the reference folder is a good practice.
Before installing the patches, it is also necessary to ensure that:
- The accounting tasks in all folders are stopped, as well as all other batch tasks.
- The batch server is inactive (in case a batch task is pending). This only applies if the patches are not integrated in batch mode.
- The patch integration is performed in a single user environment and from the supervisor folder. This control is provided when installing patches by batch.
The standard patch installation is applied as a minimum to the supervisor folder and generally to all the folders found in the environment concerned. If a folder is not at the correct patch level, there is a risk of function errors because a process present uniquely in the supervisor folder can be applied to a data structure modified in the same patch. Where a supervisor folder process is automatically inherited by all the other folders, and the data structure to which it is applied has not been installed in the folder in question, a conflict can arise. In this case, if the supervisor folder is not part of the list of folders, the processes are not patched.
There are specific cases:
- If it is a test folder, as defined in folder management, the processes are integrated to the folder itself. You need to perform a patch functionality test, for example in a folder integrating many customizations, without upsetting the live environment. You can only apply the patch to this folder. The processes and the dictionary will be patched, so a complete test can be carried out. Warning: Iinstalling the standard process in a folder, the folder becomes a specific/custom. The uniform application of another patch on all the folders including this one risks the possibility that it will not operate in the test folder (because the processes existing in the test folder are not inherited from the supervisor folder).
- If a patch contains custom/specific processes (starting with X, Y, or Z, or by SPE, or SPV, or if complying with the model CNS???SPE), these processes will not be installed in the folder unless they exist already; otherwise they will be installed in the folder(s) of type Specific (this flag is defined in the folder management setups). This is valid for a standard, specific or vertical patch (this difference is used only to manage correctly the specific and vertical actions in the screens).
- If it is a Supervisor patch, it is only integrated in the supervisor folder. It is namely the case of some patches that contain updates for standard documentation, or default parameter sets.
If an update of all folders is carried out (this is the most common case), the folder with an earlier patch level to that of the supervisor folder must be revalidated to be appropriate for the environment.