Reports > Print supervision 

This function is used to visualize, for a specific print server, the list of tasks under process and, depending on the authorization level, to delete one task from the list or to change its priority.

The information specified can be used to visualize the configuration of the print server by displaying:

- the maximum number of simultaneous processes: that is, the number of prints processed in parallel

- the maximum length of the request stack 

- the number of clients connected: those who have an open socket to the print server (request, monitoring, pooling)

- the IP address and the connection date of the clients

- a grid which gives the characteristics of requests known to the printing server, such as

      • the sequence of the print job in the stack
      • the number of the print job
      • the code of the user who has launched it
      • the report code
      • the application of origin: server, service, folder
      • the phase of the report
          • Pending 1: request reception
          • Pending 2: parameter reading
          • Pending 3: Cache update
          • Pending 4: Processing attachments
          • Pending 5: Waiting for the availability of the print server canal
          • In progress 1: Request taken into account by the printing process
          • In progress 2: Request taken into account by the Crystal Report engine print
          • Completed
          • Error
      • the status
      • the waiting and execution times
      • the destination: printer, preview, file, message 
      • the number of linked process
      • the client workstation which has launched the request
      • the number of the linked job (if several states are linked)


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Screen management

Entry screen


The entry screen is used to select the print server that the user wants to query.

After this selection, information related to the server configuration and connected clients are displayed in two adjacent sections.

The grid at the bottom of the screen can be used to visualize, or modify, the printing task in progress.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Server (field SERVEUR)



  • Configuration code (field CONFIG)


  • Max. no. of simultaneous processes (field PROC)


  • Max. size of request stack (field PROCMAX)


  • Number of clients connected (field NBCLI)


Grid Clients connected

  • Client (field CLICON)

Defines the network address of the clients connected to the print server.

  • Connection date (field TSTAMP)


Grid Tasks

  • Sequence (field NORDRE)


  • Job (field NJOB)


  • User (field USER)


  • Report (field RAPPORT)


  • Application (field DOSSIER)

Corresponds to the code of the folder from which the print is requested.

  • Phase (field ICPHASE)


  • field LPHASE


  • Status (field ISTATUT)


  • Wait (sec) (field NSECATT)


  • Execution (sec) (field NSECEXE)


  • Destination (field IDEST)


  • Processes (field NPROC)


  • Client workstation (field CLIENT)

Define the network address for the client workstation that lunched the print request.

  • Linked job (field NJOBLIE)




Action icon

Print request deletion

Deletes the request on the current line.

Priority +

Increases the priority of the request.

Priority -

Decreases the priority of the request

Max Priority

Assigns top priority to the request.

Min Priority

Assign lowest priority to the request.




Specific Buttons

Refreshes the display.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation