Handheld procedures > Stock > Consumable output 

This option is used to carry out output movement related to a consumable, via the handheld procedures, in order to decrement its related stock.

These stock decrementations can be performed on a case-by-case basis, or independently from the Warehousing entities, the notion of movement with a "direct" origin is then used, or in connection with the latter (delivery order, round).

Unlike the full-page procedures, the ouput of a consumable from the stock following handheld procedures can only take place in a single option, ie. "Consumable output", in the stock management menu.


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Screen management

It is necessary to enter various mandatory information to perform a consumable output movement:

    • The consumable code: specified in the product record of the consumables
    • The movement code: must belong to the group of the 'CONSUMABLE' processes and be of 'OUTPUT' type
    • The quantity:quantity of the outpout movement
    • The entity: Warehousing entity to be entered when the outpput from stock of the consumable is carried out within this context

The "Origin" button is used to perform a consumable output relating to a Warehousing entity, ie. :

    • Delivery order
    • Round

When the output from stock is carried out witout any link to a Warehousing entity (the notion of a consumable output of "direct" origin is then used), the field becomes accessible and the cursor is automatically positioned on the 'movement code' field.

A selection list is available on the following fields:

    • DO or round
    • Movement code
    • Consumable
    • Carrier
    • Transport method
    • Customer

When entering the entity of origin, the information, carrier, transport method and customer are entered with those relating to the entity, if need be.

For an output movement, the supplier information is no longer accessible.

Depending on the setup, it is requested to enter an operator code to validate the output movement. The stock is decremented upon validation. An informative message provides the operator with the number of the output movement created, the output consumable and the quantity of the decremented consumable.

The movement can no longer be modified after validation. Therefore it is not updated when updates are carried out on the entity with which this movement is associated.

Tab Source

The following information is displayed in this screen:

    • Site
    • Depositor
    • Warehousing entity number
    • Movement code

The information to be entered when the output from stock of the consumable is carried out for a specific entity is:

    • Warehousing entity number (DO no. or round no.)
    • Movement code

Otherwise only the movement code should be entered:

Tab Consumable

The information to be entered during the output from stock of a consumable is the following:

    • Consumable: code of the consumable to be output from stock
    • Number: quantity of the output movement
    • Comment:comments on the output movement

Tab Supplier

The following information is displayed in this screen:

    • Carrier
    • Transport method
    • Supplier code
    • Customer code

When entering the entity of origin, the information, carrier, transport method and customer are entered with those relating to the entity, if need be. This information remains modifiable.

For an output movement, the 'supplier' information is grayed out and is not accessible.

Specific Buttons

Used to select the entity when the input to stock of the consumable is carried out for a Warehousing entity.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Application error. Mandatory field

The consumable code, movement code and quantity of the output movement must necessarily be entered.

Error "Movement code" field. Movement code of non-consumable type.

The entered movement code must belong to the group of the 'CONSUMABLE' processes.

Error "Movement code" field. Movement code of quantity increase type.

The entered movement code must necessarily be of 'OUTPUT' type.

Application error. Reference does not exist.

The number of the Warehousing entity must necessarily be entered and exist for the site.

Error "Consumable" field: Consumbale blocked upon output.

The consumable must necessarily be authorized for output for an output movement to be completed.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation