Handheld procedures > Outputs > Loading 

The loading concerns the SUs (or parcels without palletization) with load management. It is used to inform the system that the pallet or parcel has been put in the vehicle provided for its transport.


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Screen management

Tab Loading

- it can only be entered if site parameter = Quay occupancy management
- mandatory
- specify a location whose store is of Quay type.
submits a list of the corresponding locations.

SU no/Parcel no.
Enter or scan a SU/parcel no. pending loading (status 7), not postponed to shipment.
submits a list of the corresponding SUs/parcels.

If configuration = Automatic palletization, a palletized big parcel no. can be entered instead of the SU no. After confirmation of the question "Big parcel of SU xxx. SU loading?", the SU no. field is then reassigned to the SU no. mentioned in the question.

If site parameter = Quay occupancy management, if the SU/parcel is associated with a shipping round, the latter must be linked to the Quay location previously mentioned. If, in addition, there is the site parameter "Quay control parcel/SU on loading" (handheld procedures), the SU/parcel must be located on the loading quay to be able to be loaded.

sets the SU/parcel to the pending shipment status (status 8) or to the shipped status (status 9) in the absence of shipment management.

Specific Buttons

This button being present is dependent on the PLZ activity code
It is used to switch from the entry of a SU no. to the entry of a parcel no. and vice-versa.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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