Handheld procedures > Receipts > Storing VT 

Use this function to partly or fully revalidate an addressed input movement linked to a SL (Storing List) by specifying the container quantity stored in a location. The suggested location is the one previously determined by the input addressing. It can be modified.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The sequencing of tabs based on the keys used is the following:



Ec+ button


Mvt no.



Address (*1)

Mvt no.

Mvt no.

Address (*2)



Mvt no.

(*1) if SL no. not entered, (*2) is SL no. entered

Tab Mvt. no.

The operator has to enter the SL number or movement number.
If the first, the system browses through the movements of the storage list, where you can choose to process any movement using the button or jump to the next movement by clicking .

SL no.
- optional field
- specify the number of a non validated SL (status <4)
suggests the corresponding storage lists.

Movement no.
- optional field available for entry only when the SL number is not entered
- specify the number of an addressed input movement (status 4) assigned to a storage list
submits corresponding movements.

Tab Picking

- product of the movement
- non-editable field.

Location code/barcode
- mandatory field
- enter or scan the storage location or control code based on the setup.
- Readdressing case: if the movement has been stored in a location other than the one initially defined by the movement addressing, use the F12 key to trigger the entry of the Readdressing tab.

Number/Cnt (and Number/Homogeneous cnt)
- No./container for the displayed movement
- the homogeneous number must be greater than and not equal to zero and must not exceed the CU number of the initial movement
- the homogeneous container is mandatory; it must belong to the container palletization plan
- the number of validated CU (= homogeneous no. * standard CU no. of the homogeneous cnt) must be:
  . must not exceed the CU number of the initial movement
  . multiple of the container homogeneous qty
  . multiple of the CU number of the location reference container if in picking.
  submits the list of containers of the Cnt palletization program.

  moves the input movement to status 8 (Stored) by previously splitting it in 2 in the event of a partial validation. The related SL moves to status 4 (Validated) if it all its movements are at status 8. The status of DI lines and headers and the location quantities and stock objects are also updated.
Depending on the setup of the input configuration, this operation can require an operator code to be entered.

Tab Deposit (Relocation)

This tab is only displayed when requesting a readdressing (F12 key) in the previous tab.

Former location
- field, which cannot be entered, specifying the storage location initially determined by the movement addressing.

New location
- optional field
- specify the location where the movement has effectively been stored
- the new location must be different than the former one
- it must belong the exclusive store that potentially describe the movement
- the accounting between the movement and new location is checked
  submits the list of locations.

Tab Readdressing

Tab Readdressing

Specific Buttons

This button is only enabled when a SL no. has been entered on the first tab. It is used to move to the next movement, without having to validate the current movement quantity.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation