Data types
> Data types Module Geode GX
Data types Module Geode GX
AJM (Adjustment movement)
BMM (Assembling movements)
BOM (Assembling orders)
CAN (Bill of lading)
CAS (Assignment class)
CAT (Carrier tariff)
CGT (Transport type)
CLT (Client)
CPI (Carrier tariff price)
CR2 (Carrier)
CRA (Carrier appointment)
CRM (Transportation method)
CRR (Carrier)
CSB (Consumable)
CSH (Campaign)
CSM (Consumable movement)
CTR (Container code)
CTS (Movement sort criteria)
CTT (Container type)
DAG (Active matters)
DCL (Kit declaration)
DCT (Transport category)
DGG (Risk)
DIC (ICPE classes)
DLN (Delivery note)
DLO (Delivery order)
DMC (Classes of hazardous materials )
DON (ONU codes)
DRN (Shipping round)
DSL (Long description)
DTC (Transport classes)
DVR (Supplier)
EC1 (Status code)
EC2 (Reason code)
EDH (EDI messages)
EIN (Expected input)
FAM (Family)
GDR (Generic round)
GRU (Group)
GSN (Serial group)
GWV (Generic wave)
HHM (Time hh:mm)
ICT (Item container)
IFH (Invoicing folder)
IHH (Headings)
IMD (Input mode)
INM (Receipts)
INP (Input)
INV (Preinvoice)
IPC (Price list code)
IPH (Price lists)
ISH (Services)
ITA (Interface setting code)
ITC (Item container)
ITE (Interface)
ITI (Template)
ITM (Product)
ITO (Item origin)
L9 (Long integer)
LAH (Load analysis)
LAI (Printing)
LOP (Work centers)
LOR (Load range)
M0 (Local menu)
MAH (Dynamic Picking)
MAL (Dynamisation picking line)
MAT (Material)
MCN (Mission sequencing)
MSA (Mission area)
MSN (Role)
MST (Mission type)
MTK (Task)
MTT (Material type)
MTY (Mission type)
MVT (Movement code)
NTR (Carriage Receipt)
NUM (Logistic counter)
NUX (Logistic counter)
OMD (Output mode)
OPA (Auto palletization order)
OPE (Operator)
OUP (Output movement)
PKZ (Preparation area)
PMD (Picking mode)
PRA (Parcel range)
PRC (Parcel number)
PRM (Parcel movements)
PTY (Type of parcel)
QCR (Quality control)
QLC (Quality record)
QST (Question)
QTA (Quantities)
QTB (Quantities)
QTC (Quantities)
QTY (Quantity)
RAC (Price list code)
RCP (Receipt)
REF (Reference)
RMD (Receipt mode)
ROT (ABC classes)
RPN (Transfer order)
RSA (Activities)
RSR (Carrier appointment)
RSS (Resource)
RST (Resource type)
SAC (Sort addressing criteria)
SCC (Stock count class)
SCN (Stores chaining)
SES (Seasonality)
SFA (Sub-family)
SGR (Subgroup)
SHP (Shipping unit)
SHU (Shipping unit)
SKC (Counting )
SKH (Stock count)
SKN (Stock Status)
SKO (Stock object)
SL1 (Location address)
SL2 (Location address)
SL3 (Location address)
SLO (Location address)
SPR (Support)
SPRT (Support type)
SRN (Serial number)
SRNLIB (Champs libre serie)
SRT (Serial traceability)
SSH (Stock count)
STL (Storing list)
STO (Store)
STY (Storage type )
SVC (Wave Sub No.)
TAH (Analysis models)
TCT (Response table)
TFO (Geode formula)
TPW (Prototypes weeks)
TPY (Prototype plannings)
TRM (Transfer movement)
TRS (Truck tracking status)
TTB (Time)
UOS (Symbol unit)
URN (Unavailability reason)
VAC (Wave)
VAK (Wave)
VCC (Wave)
VOL (Volume class )