The USR_EMAIL(1..) variable contains recipients.
The variable USR_ENVOI(1..) is used to draw the distinction between the main recipients (2) and the copies (3).
Entry point SENDMES makes it possible to substitute instructions "Send" (Client) or "meladx" (server) with another mail transmission processing.
It makes it possible to encode the file that is sent or to generate a HTML file in order to, for example, send images in the text or modify the signature tag texts.
Entry point SENDMES is called just before the generation of the chain containing the system command of the message transmission. If GPE is set to 1, the system command and the execution log relating to the system command are not executed.
Variable ERD indicates that a mail transmision log is open (debugging)
Variable ENVMEL, set to 1, indicates that the mail will be transmitted through "meladx". Otherwise, the mail will be transmitted through "Send".
Variable FIC_MAIL contains the file path usually transmitted through "meladx".
Variable MESSAGE(1..NBMES) contains the message transmitted through "Send".
Variable EXP_MAIL contains the name of the sender.
Variable USR_EMAIL(1) contains the recipients.
Variable USR_ENVOI(1..) makes it posible to distinguish main recipients (2) from copies (3).