This entry point is used to add specific conditions to the standard conditions so as to further restrict the authorized stock objects for a movement input addressing.
This entry point is called at the end of stock object verification with respect to the movement, if both are compatible. STAT is then equal to 0.
To indicate any incompatibility, enter an anomaly number bewteen 100 and 199 in [L]STAT as well as the reason in [V]GMESSAGE.
Test adxlog.
[L]TYP equals ‘T’ if the merging concerns a transfer
‘A’ if the merging concerns an input
[L]MVT identifies the input movement on environment [L]FCY, [L]DEP
[L]SKO identifies the stock object on the [L]FCY site; if [L]SKO is not entered, only whether the movement can be merged is checked.
[L]STAT is a number that identifies the type of incompatibility between the stock object and the movement (100 and 199 in specific)
[L]QDISPO is the number of packing units that can be merged on stock object [L]SKO
Table INPUTM is open and entered
Table INPUTMOD is open and entered
Table ITEM is open and entered.