Entry points > Module Geode GX > Standard script RECOL 

RECOLRPT: Modification before the prints

This entry point is used to take over after the data have been updated and before the prints have been launched.

Context and operating method

This entry point is called after the data have been updated and before the prints have been launched.

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested:

If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.


This entry point has been designed to take over after the data (parcel, dlivery order) have been updated and before the prints have been launched.

Available tables and variables

Table DLVORDERH (Delivery orders) open
Table PARCEL open

Variable GACTION will make it possible to know the processing type.

REGROUPE: parcel grouping

ECLATE: parcel splitting

MODCOL: parcel modification