Entry points > Module Supervisor > Standard script SERVEUR 


This entry point is used to insert additional logic each time the server launches a recurring request, for example to prevent the launch or to update another table.


The batch server executed on the SERVX3 folder uses the SERVEUR process that can be found in the TRT directory of the X3 standard reference folder.

The entry point declaration and the the specific process associated with it must be located in the X3 reference folder so that this entry point might be taken into account.

Context and operating mode

In the context of the entry point :

  • A trace file is open

The following tables are on line :


Significant content

Table description



Batch server (queries)

The entry point REQUETE is called before each posting to the ABATRQT table. The [F :ABR] class is on line. The GPE variable is used, if it is not equal to 0, do not create the entry.


This entry point is used to manage the creation of requests after a recurring task under process by the batch server.


The batch server executed on the SERVX3 folder uses the SERVEUR process that can be found in the TRT directory of the X3 standard reference folder.

The entry point declaration and the the specific process associated with it must be located in the X3 reference folder so that this entry point might be taken into account.

Context and operating mode

In the context of the entry point :

  • A trace file is open

The following tables are on line :


Significant content

Table description



Batch server (queries)

The READABA entry point is called just after the reading of the recurrent task and before the creation of requests. This is also the case for group tasks.

The entry point is in a transaction and the GPE variable set to 1 is used to avoid the execution of the standard procedure. After the process of the recurring task (creation of requests), the user should not forget to enter the [F:ABA]DJOUR field with the DD variable (current day date) and to rewrite the current saved current task in order to prevent the relaunch of the current task.

KILREQ: Message sent after the interruption of a request

This entry point is used to take control after the voluntary stop of a request (or not).


The batch server executed on the SERVX3 folder uses the SERVEUR process that can be found in the TRT directory of the X3 standard reference folder.

The entry point declaration and the the specific process associated with it must be located in the X3 reference folder so that this entry point might be taken into account.

Context and operating method

In the context of the entry point :

  • A trace file is open

The following tables are on line :


Significant content

Table description



Batch server (queries)

The KILLREQ entry point is called before the management procedure of the KILLREQ workflow launched upon interrupting a request: request out of time, aborted, interrupted voluntary or not.

The [ABR] abbreviation contains the saved interrupted request.
The GMESSAGE variable contains the interruption message.

List of the server's specific messages

50000 : Server activation
51000: Request activation
52xxx: Adonix xxx error of the server (tracking of the server interruption)
53000: Other error at server start-up
54000: Launch of the server when it is already active
54100: Purging requests
55000: Server Deactivation
56000: Server stop request
57000: Server stop request whilst it is deactivated
58000: Other errors when stopping the server

List of specific requests messages

00000 : Finished request (normal)
0xxxx: Finished request with warnings (xxxx= number of errors in the log-file)
10000: Finished request with unknown error (gok=0)
1000x: Fin. request with error (Table, Abbrv. key) (x=fstat)(si gok=0: Call RSTA/FSTA From GLOCK)
11xxx : Adonix error request execution @trt.adx(lig) erreur no:message_adx message_syst) (xxx=GERREUR,errn)
12000: Lock error (gok=-1)
13xxx: Fin. request with specific error (+ GMESSBATCH's content) (xxx=GERRBATCH)
14xxx: Fin. request with adonix error (@trt.adx(ligne) no_erreur:message_adx message_syst) (xxx=errn)
21000: Time exceeded
22000: Non existent task
22100: Inactive task
23000: Access to the batch files forbidden
23100: Unknown # user
23200: Incorrect password for user
23300: Execution denied by entry point
23400: Access level # non authorized for the user
23500: Function non authorized for the user#
24xxx: Switch to mono mode impossible because # users are connected (xxx=number of users)
25000: Non-existent process
2600x: Incorrect file structure (x=number of missing zones in the header (1-7), cr/lf (8), too many zones (9)
26100: Incorrect date
26120: Date exceeded
26200: Incorrect hour
27000: Group does not exist
27100: Inactive group
27200: Task # not parameterized in the group
27300: Task # in error in the group
27400: Execution impossible because of an error in the group #
28000: Folder not exist
29000: Site not entered (Warehousing)
29100: Site does not exist (Warehousing)
29200: Depositor not entered (Warehousing)
29300: Depositor does not exist (Warehousing)
30000: Request interrupted (unknown reason) Process not found when checking the request status
31000: Request interrupted by # - reason # (file.kil)
32000: Request interrupted by # - reason # (task management)
33000: Request interrupted by the server (time-out)
34000: All requests interrupted (by the .kill file)
35000: Impossible to interrupt the process no. (by kill file)
35002: Process empty (time-out or request)
35102: Process empty (request status)
41000: Task de-synchro. (process recovery impossible at the launch of the request)
42000: Problem accessing the task table
43000: No. of request does not exist
44000: Problem accessing the Batch parameters table
45000: Pb accessing the job file

STRABA: Force the Batch server to relaunch a task

This entry point is used to force the Batch server to relaunch a task.


The batch server executed on the SERVX3 folder uses the SERVEUR process that can be found in the TRT directory of the X3 standard reference folder.

The entry point declaration and the the specific process associated with it must be located in the X3 reference folder so that this entry point might be taken into account.

Context and operating method

In the context of the entry point :

  • A trace file is open

The following tables are on line :


Significant content

Table description



Batch server (queries)

This entry point is used to update the [ABA]DJOUR field from table ABATABT (Batch server (Recurring tasks)).

Thus, a task can be activated such as the accounting task.