Entry points > Module Supervisor > Standard script SUBALH9 


This entry point is called before the request extraction transaction in the SUBALH9 process.

It is used to initialize the variables in order to control the request execution time.

Context and operating mode

In the context of the entry point :

  • No trace file is open

NBB(1..10) contains the number of lines found by level
CRITERE(250)(1..3) contains all the composed criteria in the linked tables
LISTE contains the request code.

The mask used in the transaction is called "WML" + the request code.

The automatic process generated for a transaction is called "WMM" + the request code. In particular, it contains the detail on the tables used by the link instruction and columns.

The extraction transaction is called in the 'View request' function,
- at the time of a refresh (F5 key)
- on using the 'Search' key
- after modification of the criteria.



This entry point is called after the request extraction transaction in the SUBALH9 process.

It is used to display the request result by using the variables declared in the AV_EXEREQ entry point.

Context and operating mode

In the context of the entry point :

  • No trace file is open

The variables and the different call cases are same as those for the AV_EXEREQ entry point.

FILTER: Contains the criteria to filter the authorized sites

This entry point is called when creating criteria used to apply a filter on the main table.

It is used to delete the filter on the authorized sites or to add a filter.
If the number of authorized sites is quite great (>150), the switch of the order "find"' to the engine can me misinterpreted by the database. In that case, it is necessary to deactivate this find and use a 'func' for instance in the selection criteria of the request.

For instance: func ZZSITE.OKSITE([F:XXX]SITE)<>0

## Traitement ZZSITE
funprog OKSITE(SITE)
Value Char SITE
 End 1
End 0

Context and operating method

In the context of the entry point :

  • No trace file is open

CRITERE(250)(1..3) contains all the criteria applied to the link tables
LISTE contains the code of the request
FILTRE contains the formula that can be used to filter the authorized sites

The FILTER variable contains the following instruction Find(FCY,GUSRFCY(1..GNBAUZ)). The entry point is used to empty this variable or to modify its content before it is added in the CRITERE variable.