Entry points > Module Geode GX > Standard script VACADR 

FLTSKO: restrictions of the stock objects taken into account for the output addr

This entry point is used to add specific conditions to the standard ones in order to further limit the stock objects taken into account in the output addressing of a product.

Context and operating method

This entry point is used in the loading loop of the stock objects in the table of local variables.

If GPE remains set to 0, the current stock object (corresponding to the [SKO] recording) is loaded, otherwise it is not loaded.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available tables

[L]CUMFLUX is equal to 1 during the 1st phase of the Merging of flows, to 2 during the 2nd phase of the Merging of flows, and to 0 for an addressing without merging of flows

STOCKOBJ table open and filled

STORE table open and placed on the store of the current stock object

SLOT table open and placed on the location of the current stock object

STORETYP table open and placed on the storage type of the current stock object

ITEMCTR table open and placed on the product container of the current stock object.

ADROBJ: restrictions of the stock objects taken into account for the output addr

This entry point is used to prohibit the addressing of an output movement by a stock object.

Context and operating method

This entry point is used in the parsing loop of the stock objects previously loaded into the local variables for the output movement product.

If GPE remains set to 0, the current stock object (corresponding to [V]GFCY TB_POINT(OBJ)) can be used for the addressing, otherwise it is not used for that purpose. In the latter case, enter the [L]ANOM, [L]MESSAGE, [L]ERR1, [L]ERR2 variables each specifying the anomaly no. between 100 and 199, the rejection reason, 2 values.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available tables and variables

[L]DEMANDE corresponds to the picking request in CU

[L]SITE [L]TB_POINT(OBJ) identifies the current stock object; [L]TB_POINT(OBJ) is only entered for the locations that are not empty

[L]SITE [L]DEPOSANT [L]TB_ART(OBJ) [L]TB_CONT(OBJ) identifies the product container of the stock object

[L]SITE TB_MAG(OBJ) [L]TB_ADR(OBJ) identifies the location of the stock object

[L]TB_PICK(OBJ) is equal to 1 for a picking stock object, to 2 for a reserve stock object

[L]CUMFLUX is equal to 1 during the 1st phase of the Merging of flows, to 2 during the 2nd phase of the Merging of flows, and to 0 for an addressing without merging of flows

STOCKOBJ table open

STORE table open

SLOT table open

STORETYP table open

ITEMCTR table open

REAOBJ: restrictions of the stock objects taken into account to reorder a locati

This entry point is used to prohibit the reorder of a location by a stock object.

Context and operating method

This entry point is used in the parsing loop of the stock objects previously loaded for the output movement product.

If GPE remains set to 0, the current stock object (corresponding to [V]GFCY TB_POINT(OBJR)) can be used for the reorder, otherwise it is not used for that purpose. In the latter case, enter the [L]ANOM, [L]MESSAGE, [L]ERR1, [L]ERR2 variables each specifying the anomaly no. between 100 and 199, the rejection reason, 2 values.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available tables and variables

[L]SITE [L]MAGREAP(IREAP) [L]SLOREAP([L]IREAP) corresponds to the location for the reorder

[L]QTEREAP(IREAP) is the nb of searched UC

[L]QTEREAP(IREAP) is the nb of UCs already reordered

[L]SITE [L]TB_POINT(OBJR) identifies the current stock object; [L]TB_POINT(OBJR) is only entered for the locations that are not empty

[L]SITE [L]DEPOSANT [L]TB_ART(OBJR) [L]TB_CONT(OBJR) identifies the product container of the stock object

[L]SITE TB_MAG(OBJR)  [L]TB_ADR(OBJR) identifies the location of the stock object

[L]TB_PICK(OBJR) is equal to 1 for a picking stock object, to 2 for a reserve stock object

[L]CUMFLUX is equal to 1 during the 1st phase of the Merging of flows, to 2 during the 2nd phase of the Merging of flows, and to 0 for an addressing without merging of flows

STOCKOBJ table open

STORE table open

SLOT table open

STORETYP table open

ITEMCTR table open