Entry points > Module Geode GX > Standard script VACLANCE 

VACRPT: following the launch of the output addressing prints

This entry point is used after the standard output addressing prints have been launched.

It enables specific prints to be launched.

Context and operating method

Neither GOK nor GPE are tested after this entry point.


There is no transaction in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, to 1 in phase 1 of the merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows.

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.    

VACEXE: at the end of the output addressing transaction

This entry point is called at the end of the output addressing transaction.

It makes it possible to update specific tables in the output addressing transaction.

Context and operating method

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

If GOK<1 the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables and tables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, to 1 in phase 1 of the merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows.

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

VACATION table open and filled.

VACSELBEF: before the generation of the output movements

This entry point is used before the standard generation of the output movements.

It enables the specific generation of the output movements.

Context and operating method

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the standard generation of the output movements is not carried out; the NBOL variable must then be entered.

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

NBOL represents the number of delivery orders being picked for the wave, i.e. they have at least one movement to be addressed.

VACSELAFT: after the generation of the output movements

This entry point is used after the standard or specific generation of the output movements.

Context and operating method

 Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

  If GOK<1 the transaction is rollbacked.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

NBOL represents the number of delivery orders with at least one movements to be addressed; if NBOL=0, the addressing is not started.     

CHGDOHSTA: after a DO header has been moved to status 4

This entry point is used during the standard generation of the output movements for a wave, after a delivery order has been moved to status 4 (Picking under progress)

Context and operating method

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

  If GOK<1 the transaction is rollbacked.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables and tables

DLVORDERH table open and fed

ODOHSTA contains the status of the DO header before the status update.

VACADRBEF: before the addressing of the output movements

This entry point is used before the standard addressing of the output movements of the wave.

It is used to carry out a specific addressing.

Context and operating method

The output movements have been generated depending on the delivery orders of the wave but they are not addressed yet.

 The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the standard addressing of the output movements is not carried out; the NBDIV(3) variable must then be entered.

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, to 1 in phase 1 of the merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows.

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

NBDIV(3) specifies the number of reorder movements generated by the wave addressing.

VACADRAFT: after the addressing of the output movements

This entry point is used after the standard addressing of the output movements of the wave.

Context and operating method

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

  If GOK<1 the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, to 1 in phase 1 of the merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows.

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

VACPACBEF: before the prepacking of the addressed output movements

This entry point is called before the standard prepacking of the addressed output movements of the wave.

It is used to carry out a specific prepacking.

Context and operating method

The output movements have been generated and addressed.

 The GOK and GPE variables are tested after resuming this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the standard prepacking of the addressed output movements is not carried out; the NBCOLIS(1..2) variable must then be entered.

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

NBCOLIS(1..2) specifies the number of parcels generated for the wave, shippable as is and not shippable as is.

VACPACAFT: after the prepacking of the addressed output movements

This entry point is called after the standard or specific prepacking of the output movements of the wave.

Context and operating method

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

If GOK<1 the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

VACPKOBEF: before PO elaboration

This entry point is used before elaborating the picking orders of the wave.

It enables the specific elaboration of the output movements.

Context and operating method

The output movements are generated, addressed and possibly packed.

 The GOK and GPE variables are tested after resuming this entry point:

- If GPE<>0, the standard elaboration of the picking orders is not carried out; the NBOT, POIDS, VOLUME variables then need to be entered.

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, to 1 in phase 1 of the merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows.

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

NBOT represents the number of picking orders generated for the wave.

POIDS represents the weight of the picking to be conducted for the wave.

VOLUME represents the volume of the picking to be conducted for the wave.

VACPKOAFT: after PO elaboration

This entry point is called after the standard or specific elaboration of the picking orders of the wave.

Context and operating method

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

If GOK<1 the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, to 1 in phase 1 of the merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows.

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

GRUOUMBEF: before the grouping of movements

This entry point is called before grouping the picking order movements of the wave.

It is used to perform a specific grouping of movements when picking handheld procedures.

Context and operating method

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the standard grouping of movements is not performed.

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

GRUOUMAFT: after grouping movements

This entry point is called after regrouping the picking order movements of the wave.

Context and operating method

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

If GOK<1 the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

VACDLNBEF: before the generation of the temporary DNs

This entry point is called before the generation of the temporary delivery notes of the wave.

It enables the specific generation of the temporary delivery notes.

Context and operating method

 The GOK and GPE variables are tested after resuming this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the standard generation of the temporary DNs is not completed.

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.

VACDLNAFT: after the generation of the temporary DNs

This entry point is called after the generation of the temporary delivery notes of the wave.

Context and operating method

Following this entry point, the GOK variable is tested.

If GOK<1 the transaction is rolled back.


A transaction is in process when calling this entry point.

Available variables

VACNUM contains the wave number released for addressing in the environment ([L]SITE,[L]DEPOSANT)

SIMUL is not equal to zero if the wave addressing has been launched in simulation mode.

CUMFLUX is equal to 0 on addressing excluding merging of flows, and to 2 in phase 2 of the merging of flows

OLNUM is entered for a delivery order number only in the event of additional PO addressing.