Entry points > Module Geode GX > Standard script VX3EXPDIV 

CR AJM : Stock adjustment report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of a stock adjustment report.

Context and operating mode

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

ADJNUM contains the adjustment number of the current environment ([V]GFCY ,[V]GDEP) to be exported.

CR PREPA : Preparation report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of a preparation report.

Context and operating mode

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

 DLONUM contains the delivery order number of the current environment ([V]GFCY ,[V]GDEP) to be exported.

CR EXPE: Shipment report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of a shipment report.

Context and operating mode

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

 DLOFCY (1..)     indicates the DLOFCY(i) site to which DLONUM(i) and DLNNUM(i) are attached.

 DLONUM (1..)       contains the shipment delivery order numbers.

 DLNNUM (1..)       contains the shipment delivery order numbers.

 DLODEP(1..)         indicates the DLODEP(i) depositor to which DLONUM(i) and DLNNUM(i) are attached.

CR EIN : Receipt report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of a receipt report.

Context and operating mode

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

EINNUM contains the number of expected input from the current site ([V]GFCY, [V]GDEP)

RCPNUM contains the number of receipt in the current site ([V]GFCY).

CR INP: Putaway report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of a putaway report.

Context and operating mode

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

INPNUM contains the number of expected input from the current environment ([V]GFCY, [V]GDEP).

CR CRR : Carriage report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of a carriage report.

Context and operating mode

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

CANNUM            indicates the carriage note number.

 DLOFCY (1..)     indicates the DLOFCY(i) site to which DLONUM(i) and DLNNUM(i) are attached.

 DLONUM (1..)       contains the shipment delivery order numbers.

 DLNNUM (1..)       contains the shipment delivery order numbers.

 DLODEP(1..)         indicates the DLODEP(i) depositor to which DLONUM(i) and DLNNUM(i) are attached.

CR BOM : Assembling report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of an assembling report.

Context and operating mode

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

BOMNUM contains the assembling number of the current environment ([V]GFCY, [V]GDEP).

CR END: Completed DO report

This entry point is called before writing in the interface files for the creation of a Completed DO report.

Context and operating method

The GOK and GPE variables are tested after this entry point:

- if GPE<>0, the export is not carried out

- If GOK<1, the transaction is rolled back.


There is a current transaction when this entry point is being used.

Available variables

DLONUM contains the delivery order number of the current environment ([V]GFCY, [V]GDEP).