General parameters > Chapter Adonix (eng) > Parameter DCS (Base date) 

This parameter sets the century starting year for those dates where the year is only known with 2 figures. Originally used in entry mode, this parameter has been replaced by the local parameter coming from the Windows client workstation preferences (as a consequence, the century starting date in entry mode is dependent on the user workstation).

The only use of this parameter concerns the carrying out of imports of date fields with years over 2 figures only. In effect, in this case, the basis is a generic parameter that does not depend on the client workstation (especially since, in batch mode, there is no client workstation).

For instance, if a date with the format 31/12/05  (format DD/MM/YY) is imported:

  • If the parameter is higher than or equal to 1706 and lower than or equal to 1805, the date will be interpreted as being 31/12/1805.
  • If the parameter is higher than or equal to 1806 and lower than or equal to 1905, the date will be interpreted as being 31/12/1905.
  • If the parameter is higher than or equal to 1906 and lower than or equal to 2005, the date will be interpreted as being 31/12/2005.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter ADX (Adonix (eng)) and the Group MIS (Miscellaneous).

The [S]adxlig system variable is associated with it.