General parameters > Chapter Dimensions > Parameter MAXMLTPIC (Max picking nb by product cnt) 

Maximum number of picking locations by product container.

By default equal to 5.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter DIM (Dimensions) and the Group MAX (Max Dimensions),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • MAXCTR (Max container nb by site)
  • MAXDYNPIC (Max nb item picking pivot)
  • MAXLNKPAC (Max no of links parcel-mvts by DO)
  • MAXPACTYP (Max no of parcel types by sites)
  • MAXPKZ (Max no of pick area by site)
  • MAXREA (Max no of replenish in cascade)
  • MAXSHU (Max SU type nb by site)
  • MAXSKOREA (Max no of mvts created by replenish)
  • MAXSLOPIC (Max No of picks by product)
  • MAXSTO (Max no of stores by site)

No global variable is associated with it.

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :

 MLT : Multiple picking
