General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter LIAISAUTO (Auto links) 

This parameter defines the link group used when a user, in object management, automatically creates the links conforming to the parameterization defined in the object parameterisation.

If this group is empty, the automatic links will not be created.

If this group is different from the user's link group, the liaisons created automatically will not be seen.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level User.It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group SEL (Lists and selections),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The GLIAISON(1) global variable is associated with this parameter.

Linked parameters

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Development > Utilities > Miscellaneous > Activate links

All the functions of the object type can use the link explorer and can therefore be impacted by this parameter.


It should be noted that in versions 130 and 120, this parameter is materialized by a field in the user record.